Fred Gray

Composer Profile
Fred Gray
Fred Gray
93 remixes
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Remixes of Fred Gray's music

 keyboard_arrow_downReleasedTitleRemixed byDurationPlatformComposed byScore
28/02/2024IFirefly (In-Game Music)Vandahlia4:52c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray65% 
09/10/2023Shadowfire 87.87 Acoustic0supereg05:51c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray82% 
07/08/2023ILegend of KageJohan Andersson3:46c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray94% 
01/05/2023Mission A.D.FastLoaders2:42remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
01/05/2023ShadowfireFastLoaders3:04remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
01/05/2023HysteriaFastLoaders3:12remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
01/05/2023FireflyFastLoaders2:23remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
21/04/2023IRMutants (Encore64)Fred Gray & Peter Clarke4:52c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray92% 
21/04/2023IRShadowfire (Encore64)Romeo Knight3:43c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray95% 
23/01/2023RMission A.D. gameplay theme (orchestral rock mix)Skaven2523:10c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray88% 
23/01/2023West Bank PanicDashN1:53c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray65% 
01/02/2022IRMutants (The Mantra) [Cinematic64]Slaygon7:03c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray94% 
26/01/2022IShadowfireRomeo Knight3:42remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray95% 
26/01/2022MutantsFred Gray & Peter Clarke4:52remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray92% 
06/09/2021West BankJohan Andersson2:15c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray82% 
15/06/2020Mission A.D. gameplay theme (grand piano)Paul Nelsen2:04c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray69% 
27/04/2020ShadowfireChris Abbott3:05remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
27/04/2020Mission FredChris Abbott4:49remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
04/12/2019Mutants (The Mantra)Slaygon7:02remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray94% 
25/07/2019IRShadowfire (The Retro Remix)Peter Clarke4:49c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray90% 
28/05/2019Mutants (subtune 2)OJ Oscillation4:42c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray79% 
11/03/2018ImplosionMarcel Donné4:13remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
11/03/2018Mutants Tune 2Marcel Donné4:03remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
11/03/2018Enigma ForceMarcel Donné2:49remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
13/01/2018BreakthruMarcel Donné5:28remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
13/01/2018Alt-Enigma ForceMarcel Donné2:55remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
27/12/2017Batman the Caped Crusader (Reggaeton Mix)Phrygian4:30c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray71% 
27/12/2017IBatman The Caped Crusader (Son of Gotham Remix)Martin Dodd4:00c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray80% 
08/07/2015Legend of Kage (ninja in trance)Sperling6:27c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray82% 
14/04/2015Mission FRED (ft. Johan Andersson) - A C64 Medleymanganoid5:44c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray78% 
16/03/2015The Legend of Kage - Shadow Stepsmanganoid4:48c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray82% 
24/06/2014Legend of Kage (Nostaliga)Analog-X646:06c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray77% 
22/12/2013ITroll '99Chris Abbott and Darren Izzard3:21c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray59% 
07/05/2013IThe Casio Crusader VL-1 remixTokafondo3:25c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray40% 
08/04/2013IBreak Thru (your eardrums mix)Marcel Donné5:17c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray86% 
13/09/2012Firefly (Electrowing Remix)Dees4:29c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray79% 
24/03/2012IRMutants (Sub 2 Mutation)vurtX5:34c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray76% 
09/03/2012IBounces (Glam Rock Hammond Galore Demo Tape)Tron3:00c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray92% 
06/03/2012IRMutantsRazmo5:10c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray82% 
31/01/2012Cosmic Cruiser - Galacto Honoris (Pravda mix)Gammagumma3:01c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray82% 
19/05/2011RShadowfire (first attempt)Canvas3:48c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray80% 
21/04/2011IRBC Bill (Dreadnought on the Fly)NecroPolo1:53c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray91% 
18/01/2011IHysteria (Hysteroid Remix)Dash Fiss2:43c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray64% 
01/09/2010IBreakthru (To The Other SiD)vurtX4:55c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray84% 
30/03/2010IRHysteria 3 (Listeria Free)vurtX3:39c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray85% 
16/02/2010Batman The Caped CrusaderFlawless4:41c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray47% 
04/11/2009IHysteria Ingame (SLAY Rated Edit)DJ Skitz3:01c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray83% 
07/10/2009RFred Gray MedleyJogeir Liljedahl9:46c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray94% 
22/09/2009ITroll (Felix Culpa)Slaygon and Reyn2:09c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray88% 
24/08/2009Mutants (Hybrid Remix)Dees5:10c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray73% 
05/09/2008Batman - The Caped Crusader (remix)Teo2:38c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray81% 
16/06/2008Mutants (Slightly distorted version)Mongo Erectus5:44c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray63% 
18/12/2007Hysteria (Evil Tribal Remix)Dees6:35c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray77% 
01/01/2007Breakthru (Tune1)FTC4:59remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray75% 
01/01/2007Enigma ForceFTC3:58remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
01/01/2007Infodroid Tune 1 (Fade 2 Ambient Gray Mix)FTC3:26remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray75% 
01/01/2007Mutants Tune 2FTC3:52remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
01/01/2007ShadowfireFTC-remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
01/01/2007StairwaysFTC2:22remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray0% 
01/01/2007Mission ADFTC3:06remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray75% 
01/01/2007MutantsReyn Ouwehand-remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray85% 
19/12/2006IMutantsMarkus Schneider & Romeo Knight4:49c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray92% 
25/01/2006RLegend of KageGemini 644:09c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray78% 
21/12/2005Enigma ForceSid Peasley2:04c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray71% 
08/12/2005INodes of YesodMatti Paalanen2:14c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray78% 
11/09/2005MadballsMakke1:08remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray79% 
28/08/2005RFirefly 2005FeekZoid3:41c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray79% 
23/08/2005RMission ADRobert Mansfield3:26c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray87% 
07/06/2005Mission AD Title MusicLars Lindblad2:03c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray42% 
12/05/2005IMadballs (You Told Me They Were Vitamins Mix)Makke1:47c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray79% 
12/01/2004Hypa-ball vs Mission ADPRESS PLAY ON TAPE3:50remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray, Keith Tinman89% 
16/02/2003IRFirefly Title ThemeAlfredo Terpentin2:33c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray64% 
03/01/2003Dance of the Droids Guitar JamGeir Ola Brandal1:09c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray59% 
18/11/2002IBatman The Caped Crusader (L'Aventurier Mix)Sidicium3:29c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray67% 
21/06/2002West Bank (V2)Instant Remedy3:10remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray77% 
04/04/2002IEnigma ForceSmith2:13c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray44% 
10/02/2002IRFireflyocean3:40c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray72% 
18/01/2002Firefly Highscore (Eurotrash Intro Edit)Runar Bjarnason1:42c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray52% 
09/01/2002Mutants ('97 rough mix)Chris Abbott4:03c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray63% 
19/12/2001Shadowfire (Prototype Mix)Darren Izzard3:06c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray67% 
19/12/2001Enigma Force (XG Mix)Darren Izzard4:30c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray62% 
15/12/2001IBouncesMarcel Donné4:36c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray70% 
01/12/2001West Bank (testicular cancer mix)Axeman1:33c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray67% 
10/08/2001RFTC - Infodroid (Fade 2 Ambient Gray Mix)FTC3:26c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray77% 
04/07/2001N.O.M.A.DGlyn R Brown3:00c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray77% 
03/06/2001IEnigma ForceLMan & Sunflower2:49c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray80% 
16/05/2001ShadowfireBoz, Chris Abbott and Darren Izzard2:26remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray77% 
16/11/2000RHysteria - tune 3Ferrara4:28c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray84% 
04/07/2000West BankInstant Remedy2:23c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray71% 
04/07/2000Legend of Kageo22:57c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray79% 
28/06/2000Enigma ForcePeter Morck2:16c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray64% 
21/11/1999Batman The Caped Crusader (Radio Funk Mix)Chris Abbott, Fred Gray, Warren "Waz" Pilkington3:30remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray87% 
21/01/1998Mutants - Title Theme (AmbiMixe)Chris Abbott and Warren "Waz" Pilkington4:00remix albums Scene Albums
Fred Gray76%