Christmas Special Editorial: 20 years of RKO (The charts revisited)
Published: 24/12/2020 by Neil Carr
In the year 2000 Jan Lund Thomsen's RKO ( was born. Finally, a resource that enabled remixers to uploaded their remixes for the world to enjoy. Before that time the remixing scene were made up of several websites spread around the internet. Finding these sites and jumping around from one to another was a painful and a somewhat chaotic experience. Over the years RKO would establish itself to be the one stop shop to get your c64 remix fix. In this Christmas editorial special we go back through the years and present the top 3 remixes voted by our readers from each year to the current day. So grab a cuppa sit back and enjoy whilst we take you on a nostalgia trip. Oh! and if you haven't voted yet on these remixes here's a chance to do so. Happy Christmas everyone.
*Ratings are correct at the time of publish. Ratings subject to varience should votes be cast.
YEAR: 2000

RoJ: Outstanding is just the right word for this remix!!
prq: Excellent tune
Wilfred: I have listenea t least 50 times, but still very enjoying experience. Simply brilliant piece of music!

nonick: Excellent! But I'd like to know which Galway tunes have been recycled here.
mfe: To take something so simple and make it this atmospheric requires skill. Kudos!
soppa: Absolutely stunning remix, so simple (as the sid) but yet so eerie and deep feel to it, also love the selection of ambient sounds in this.

Year 2001

machinae supremacy - Great Giana Sisters
niccin: Awesome!
oxygen: The best tune compose music I heard, keep doing more great music
dacke: Its still the best

Tonka - Last Ninja - Palace Gardens (Loader)
redbow: Definetly an outstanding enterpetation of one of my favorite tunes from the C64 era. Kudos Kudos
Acceptus: OMG. GREAT!!!♡
infamous: The transition in the middle is BRILLIANT, tonka really know's how to get into your head and make you listen up, top notch tune. Wish he'd do a few more such a great talent.

DHS - Max Headroom (Orbital 3241 Elevator Mix)
aero: Simply gorgeous
chairmankaga: One of my favourite SID remixes.
NecroPolo: I think it's the best tune pack of Whittaker. The first section doesn't really cut through for me as much as the following parts - but that's just a subjective footnote, the remix is very cool all the way.
Year 2002

Glyn R Brown - Firelord - Symphonic
xerex: Great emotional tune
Man from Stars: Great!
Zoldex: Astounding!

Mahoney - Armageddon Man (Vocal Jazz feat. Karin Öjehagen)
EricF: Man, this is a haunting remix with some awesome rhythm in the second half.
NecroPolo: Awesome one!
ulfepulf: Sweet!

Glyn R Brown - Gordian Tomb Adventures
ricky: Wow!
lonegunman: Really Cool. You do not hear the Synthi… Wonderful!!!
Ansoe: Powerful, magnificent!
Year 2003

Lagerfeldt - Dutch Breeze/Robocop 3 (Progressive Uplift)
decibel: I simply love this remix, I defy you to sit still while listening to it
LaLa: Totally awesome! Great punching beat, well-balanced mix, just one awesome piece of remix!
humorguy: Perfect instumentation, rockin' feet tapping… Well you know the rest!

Thomas Detert - Supernova (the slow tune)
Supergrobi123: Ooooooutstanding, man!!!
soppa: Marvelous remix, the production is of course excellent but this is just so well thought out it's bound to stay on my playlist for a long long time.
lolicon: Love Vangelis, love this tune! Very well composed. This delivers!

Year 2004

tazuk: Quite amazing!
tusy: Great
peacemaker: Fantastic work… I am really impressed… Once again a great work of Mr. Brown 😊

Zatuffli: Great class! Very emotional, absolutely brilliant!😊
Haldor: One of the best C64 remix ever!
infamous: Excellent

DHS - The Human Race (Bando alle Seghe)
moog: That's my type!😊
jsl: Excelent mix!
Sodden: Stunning!!! Top ten! Great Work…
Year 2005

Makke - Artura(Dublin Delight Mix) feat. Andreas Wallström
raiden: Super track… It feels like a movie! Haha
Nebdar: SMASHING great
LaLa: OUTSTANDING! Perfect execution of Irish folk song feel, great lyrics, pretty good singing for a pub. The ending is a bit too abrupt, but other than that… OUTSTANDING!

Marcel Donné - Something Stranger Remake
load_error: Splendid.
infamous: This tune makes me want to have marcels babies…
zuckerfrei: Fantastic! Thats really catchy and emotional at the same time. Especially the second half remindes me to early works of Tangerine Dream.

humorguy: Now I understanded nothing ventured,. Nothing gained. Glyn ventured and boy! Did I gain!!! A little risky for the site and I love it!!!
winc: This is very high quality and professional remix. LOVELY work!
_steve_: Simply stunning. Very atmospheric and relaxing.
Year 2006

Andy Gilmour & LMan - Robocop Title
TNT: I like the combination of the synths and the guitar and I love 80s style. Simply stunning!
the_jinx: One of the best remixes ever… I have a lot of late 80's early 90's feelings pop up evrytime I play it…
moog: Great great!! Top (GUN) Stuff

moog (Sebastian Bachliñski) - Tristess
supercell: Wow, this is groovy and somewhat medieval sounding 😀 Lead synth is not in its place (too sharp/artificial, a sinus waveform would sound better IMO) but still a red one for Moog
snorski: Excellent
Caboose: Groovey baby!

machinae supremacy - Sidology 2 Trinity
Dr. Bongo: I REALLY like this. I`m jelous of the guitar work, wish mine was up to that standard.
XxDUSTYxX: THAT's what I call a masterpiece!
LMan: Yes, they obviously still know their shit.
YEAR 2007

Reyn Ouwehand - Green Beret (live at The Church)
Noisywan: I'm not familiar with the original SID song but I loved it.
omoroca: Out-stan-ding! Added to my collection.
RayF: One of my fav five all-time-tunes. Saw the video on youtube, great! Can´t judge the technical stuff here, I am just listening, again and again. If songs sound great, I just want to appreciate them. Back to childhood 😀

Dafunk - Destruction - The New Beginning (rmx)
NecroPolo: Not my style but it's perfectly done.
prowler: It seems like Dafunk is really in the zone right now, producing like sonic wanderer did some years ago 😀
Waz: Now this is lovely. Not only does it really have that flow and feeling of the original but it develops on it without being too obtrusive. Another winner from DaFunk.

Ryrynz: Hawt stuff.
Jax: This can sit on repeat forever without you getting bored of it. Very varied, great all round, and definitely one of the best mixes for a while - I LOVE it! 😊 Even sounds a bit like Above and Beyond in places!
Nada: This is professional stuff. Depeche Mode sound like Michael Bolton next to this!!! Dafunk, you rule!
YEAR 2008

Mordi - Plastic Pop (I Miss You mix)
jtgibson: I find it somewhat disturbing that I like this song so much. The lyrics are so well done, and I normally *hate* lyrics!
germantaz: Congratulation. Everything everybody said is true. In my opinion it could be a bit faster ;o)
Nebdar: Pure awsomnes. It is simple but very breath taking to, listen it…

Dafunk - Hardcore Power (We Believe In Goa - Remix)
Waz: Now this IS nice, and even nicer than the old version Dafunk did. Chucked this through my Mission m73 biwired floorstanders and that bass is pumping to say the least. The latter part sounds epic trance style too, it rocks!
chilli_uk: Its great and as always clear, concise and well mixed - would make a great track for a dj to mix to and with - great work
Ishma: Excellent!!!

Peter W - Stargate (Not As Trancelucent As)
prowler: Very professional dreamtrance! A bit sleepy at times, but very enjoyable.
Amok: Just great…
Makke: All I can say is: Propper job, Peter! Very well done.
YEAR 2009

Firestorm - Commando (Sound of SceneSat Edit)
mattie: Very cinematic! When I listened to this I was reminded of Time Crisis or The Rock. Love it.
madfiddler: Simply awesome! WELL DONE!
Metal: Hands down - this is the best remix for a very long time! Simply an amazing piece of work!!

Jogeir Liljedahl - Synth Sample - The Stationary Ark
dragonkiss: Briliant remix
TNT: This is my ALL TIME favorite remix! Very emotional. I just love it!
Mayhem: Take one fairly unknown SID. Go in a different direction to how Mixer made his (superb) remix of it. Produce something sublime that matches it in quality. Welcome back Jogeir 😊

balloonhead: Fantastic Remix, plz more of it in here
horizoner: Speechless…
Mrcookie: With this one, it can load for hours without making me impatient
YEAR 2010

SarahKreuz: Sweet? Never heard of it. I GUESS it`s a C64 Game, eh? XD This song is strong, got a powerful sense of emotion and reminds me a little bit of Jogeir Liljedahl`s tracks (especially @ 4:30 min). Great tune. And now SHUT UP-I wanna listen to it once more.😉
mfe: Love the execution of this version.
Mayhem: Sweet 😉

Chabee - Baboon (Skydive ReMix)
Metal_VIB: Pure porn! A tad too mellow for my taste though, but a really good arrangement of the track.
C64ever: Really good this, nice and mellow to listen too.
TheZee: A beautiful blend of sounds! You've got real talent mate, keep up the good work!😀

SIDrip Alliance - From First to Last (AROK12 tribute mix)
Mordi: Flakey lead, but otherwise great.
K8-bit: I really really like this… I love the guitar play, and the nostalgia the montage brings me… But I think more variation in the SIDdy parts would've been better… Too much reliance on the samey triangle lead IMHO.
Arne: All in all a very good sounding remake of different Last Ninja musics. Thumbs up for this music!
YEAR 2011

moog (Sebastian Bachliñski) - Jazzcat (007)
Mordi: Been listening to this regularly since it's release on SceneSat Vol 2. Outstanding as ever.
_steve_: How can this be rated bad?! - were you even listening to the same song as everyone else?
Karmar: Bad? Why? It's amazing cover! THX moog!

Dees Productions: The perfect mix of a perfect song. Like to drizzle honey all over the floor and just roll around!
LMan: I love DRAX' melodies, and I love Modi's remix.
Ryrynz: Once again Mordi delivers us beautiful sounds.

Peter Clarke - Ocean Loader 3 (Cinematic remix)
Poppykuk: Love it! (and the other one LOL)
YogibearRenoise: This sounds really great and is now one of my favs of RKO! Could you please make an orchestral version of song 1 in HVSC of Tai-Pan? That's my fav sid of you! Thanks for this!
Musoman: This was MY favourite Ocean Loader, brilliant
YEAR 2012

Ryrynz: Pro job. I would like to hear it however with a softer and smoother more expressive lead. This rings near the edges of perfection, It could've been one of the best.
omoroca: Wrong chords from your 2008 version have been fixed. Good work! This tune is just as good as moog's outstanding version. Added to my collection.
LMan: Perfect, just perfect, mate.

Andreas Wallström and NecroPolo - DMC demo IV 2 (Celtic Mission mix)
LaLa: Head-bangingly powerful! Guitar-smashingly heavy duty! Rock on!
truck: \m/ worthy comment I'm just not coming up with right now here
karter: M/ awesome!

drm: Love the guitars!!! Awesome!!!
Dees Productions: Awesome!
bordeaux: Great tribute, awesome guitars - thanks a lot!
YEAR 2013

NecroPolo: That SID is a heavy piece of cake, man! Execution is flawless, the remix gone several steps beyond the original (already great) atmosphere. I like it soundwise, too.
Zilog: Beautiful
Mayhem: Not a SID familiar with, but the remix sounds great 😊

LukHash - Supremacy (youtube vid)
Volkans80: Very good
JustPhreak: Solid and powerful remix! Thumbs up, LukHash!
p2: Love it! Just like all the other work of LukHash!

BeeZerk - BeeZerk - Blasphemy (Feat. Pallaso & Kage)
_steve_: Wow. Beezerk does it again! This is just fantastic.
ziona: Awesome piece, very pleasant, I am addicted to it, looping all day!
Amiga4eveR: Wow!!!
YEAR 2014

Slaygon - Platoon (Inexperti belli)
mfe: Brilliant mix of this song, well done. Though I would have left out the vocal sample, personally.
Kate Eternal: Wonderful!
khisanth: GREAT stuff indeed.

Robert Engstrand - The Mansion Gardens (Last Ninja medley)
Acceptus: Magic
mfe: Nice, rich textures even from simple sounds, lovely layering. Sounds great both at low and high volume.
Wolf1982: Killer!

Markus Schneider - Enlightenment - Druid II
betelzeus: Holy Shnikeys That's awesome… Angels and Demons meets Pirates… Some of the 'machine gun' strings bother me just a little. Other than that though… Nice… Very nice, definitely a red from me 😊
mfe: It gets a red face, but… That 'cello with its own room reverb against the more open reverb of the rest of the mix sticks out like a sore thumb.
The SIE: Well, what more can I say when everything is already said. OUTSTANDING.
Year 2015

Slaygon - Never Die (Skitz lives forever)
Rock: Beautiful track!
Makke: This is simply brilliant!
Dr-Duke: OMG, this is awesome Slaygon. Well done in memory of Paul. Pls, extend it!

Dr Future - Fist II - The Legend Continues
Rapture: Class! The melody at 0:38 reminded me of Joe Hisaishi Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away!
LaLa: Lovely arrangement, Western-style oriental ambience done right.
Kalell: Great and very suggestive Atmosphere!

MRT - Eagles (Easy Flight mix)
James T. Kork: Just brilliant.
Ryrynz: Wow, that's quite the remix.
blubberdiblub: Wow, just wow! The reverberation creates a dreamy atmosphere, the bass line so powerful and the strings simply lovely.
YEAR 2016

ChrisBond: Wow - that is a really good remix, good sounds good arragement, but a little static beat - love it anyway, and thanks a lot for the Cybernoid I Bonus at the end - lovely
Jac: This is really good. Sitting at work, should go home, but want to listen again!
KoYamaRo: Extremly Nice 😀 Sounds nice to me…

Johan Andersson - Out Run - Splash Wave (surf mix)
Kate Eternal: Perfect remix!!
finnr: Awesome. Has been on repeat for more than an hour now 😊
ChrisBond: What can I say, perfect Beatles like 😊

JustPhreak: Just great!!
LaLa: When listening to this tune I'd like to stand on a hilltop and yell out: This is what the scene is about!!! Kickass 80s feel coupled with a kickass demo tune.
L0rd3vyL: Awesome!. … Just awesome!
YEAR 2017

SIDNIFY - Supremacy (Overprime mix)
DJs. DoMoDo: Great remix music 😀
Mayhem: Well this is a fine way to introduce yourself 😊
Tomsk: These guys can do no wrong. Sensational remix

nummer2: The whole idea of this remix is just genuis and fresh I wish it was 1-2 minutes longer and it would have been perfect
LaLa: A surprisingly downtempo, melancholic arrangement, which I didn't think I'd like, but this is expertly crafted! Just lovely!
NecroPolo: Not my kind of stuff at all (there is no blood) but it is quality at its best. Great work!

YEAR 2018

FastLoaders - Commando High Score
xgener8or: Really good vibes 😊 Could be at the end of a movie with a ferrari driving into the sunset along a mountain road. Haha
Amiga1200: Woooooow man!
Ryrynz: Sounds a bit too crisp at the start in comparison to the rest… But I'll let it pass.

marcel: Is there a superlative for epic? If there is, than this remix is it! Amazing bit of work Sir!
Marcus: The perfect mix! The shouts speak for themselves. Could be a Hans Zimmer score!
speedy: Uhh, what to say. Great track!

FastLoaders - Ghouls and Ghosts
LaLa: Straight off their Progressive 64 album. Superb there, superb here.
L0rd3vyL: Lovely.
ChrisC.: Fastloaders Metal Gods!
YEAR 2019

Peter Clarke - Firelord - Symphonic (a nod to Glyn)
bastard: Absolutely wonderful arrangement!
C64_Gamer: Love the 2002 version and now I love this too
Breadbox Bill: I love it!

Glyn R Brown - Firelord (from 8Bit Symphony)
speedy: EDIT: Great stuff after several listenings and better than first one.
_steve_: This is simply amazing. The only way to top it is being at the live performance in June
Seedgroup: Pure Gold!

aix: I don't comment very often, but when I do… Whoa.
symbols: Funkyness!!
mrt: Fantastic work! Thanks
YEAR 2020

Makke: After a number of listens I updated my vote to red. Sega Super Sonic Team Band quality!
archon: I listened to the original arcade and mainly the C64 version million times. This is a gigantic interpretation Sega should pay for and I'm sure everyone who knows the original would appreciate. So much effort in this, deserves alot of love 😊 Thank you!
Poppykuk: This is a dangerous remix! You listen to it and then it is in your head for the rest of the day. Such a good interpretation of a favourite game-tune of mine,

Peter Clarke, ziona & Slaygon - Tales of Boon (The Collaboration Mix)
Glyn R. Brown: The more I listen to this track, it just gets Better & Better 😊 Great work Guys…
NecroPolo: Welcome to the movie 😊
Poppykuk: Another musical journey with peter clarke. I hear the other players and it all works beautifully together. I love the way the soundscape changes.

SIDNIFY - The Last Ninja - The Wilderness
Makke: Solid rocker!
JLD: Superb!
MatrixRevolution: Amazing!
People, we should considder ourselves lucky to be part of a community diverse enough to cover everything from the solitary hobbyist with a copy of Fruityloops to an 80-piece symphonic orchestra. The solitary remixer can afford to be out of pocket on a remix since the music isn’t his/her day job - the professional musician doesn’t have that luxury. Dismissing one over the other isn’t a way to take the hobby in new directions. If you prefer the freely available renditions, that’s fine by me - but don’t knock commercial efforts simply for having a cost. No one is in this to get rich.