Maciej Bether (macb3t)

Member Profile
Real name:
Maciej Bether
Joined Remix64:
November 2004
Remix projects:

Pirx  c64 SID remixesAmiga music remixes

Voting profile:
About me

Greetings all.
I have always loved the music scene and still regulary listen to SID/mods/odd formats etc.
I have the greatest respekt for all the people who did this Remixes for this side.
Thanks for giving us here so much joy with your work, your time and your passion!
I hope you enjoy my remixes and thanks for listening and commenting!


Favorite C64 composers: Ben Daglish, Martin Galway, Fred Gray, Rob Hubbard, David Whittaker, Jeroen Tel …


Check my website:
YouTube - View me
Jamendo - Listen to my music
Facebook - Follow me on
Homepage - View me



 keyboard_arrow_downReleasedTitleRemixed byDurationPlatformComposed byScore
25/08/2022IGem'X (song 2)Pirx3:14c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Chris Hülsbeck72% 
17/12/2018IArkanoid HighscorePirx2:55c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Martin Galway73% 
07/11/2016IHawkeyePirx5:58c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Jeroen Tel86% 
29/09/2016ILazy JonesPirx3:45c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
David Whittaker67% 
31/03/2015IJoe Blade (subtune 9)Pirx1:36c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Gary Biasillo88% 
01/12/2014IReturn of the Mutant CamelsPirx4:04c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Ben Daglish74% 
29/09/2014IRUltima V - Greyson's talePirx1:50c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Kenneth W. Arnold77% 
25/08/2014IRSynth Sample 1Pirx6:37c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Georg Feil74% 
21/08/2014IBruce Lee (Ethnic)Pirx1:45c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
John A. Fitzpatrick77% 
19/08/2014IR.I.S.KPirx3:23c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Wally Beben67% 
11/08/2014IGreen Beret (Loader)Pirx3:33c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Martin Galway62% 
19/07/2014ICybernoid IIPirx5:37c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Jeroen Tel69% 
22/06/2014II-XeraPirx3:11c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Wally Beben66% 
14/06/2014IBulldogPirx3:23c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Ben Daglish68% 
14/09/2007IBattle Squadron (Ingame - Moog remix)Pirx4:27Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Ron Klaren53% 
14/09/2007IPinball Dreams (Title Song)Pirx5:16Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Olof Gustafsson53% 
17/12/2005ICannon Fodder - Main ThemePirx1:53Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Jon Hare, Richard Joseph44% 
02/12/2005IElf - ForestPirx2:48Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Matthew Cannon65% 
02/12/2005IGhouls 'n' Ghosts Final (Follin Hiscore)Pirx2:10Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Tim Follin57% 
10/09/2005IShadow of the Beast III TitlePirx3:07Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Tim Wright67% 
10/09/2005IFury of the Furries - DesertPirx2:45Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Frédéric Motte63% 
01/08/2005IRJim Power End LevelPirx3:52Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Chris Hülsbeck55% 
29/11/2004IAmberstar - Irish SpringPirx2:23Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Jochen Hippel69% 
29/11/2004IWaterfallPirx2:29Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Matt Simmonds62% 
27/07/2004IAmberstar - Erik's RevengePirx1:56Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Jochen Hippel74%