H Warner (Vandahlia)

Member Profile
Real name:
H Warner
United States of America
Joined Remix64:
February 2024
Remix projects:
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About me

I'm just a goofball who makes music for fun and dabble in different genres.


Even though creating original tracks is my focus, remixing other people's music is something that I sporadically do, because, well… it's fun! And I tend to favor stuff from the '80s and '90s since there's a lot of really cool as well as interesting music from those specific decades - especially video game music, but also themes and other music from TV series and movies. However, since Remix64, RKO, and AmigaRemix are dedicated to remixes of Commodore 64 and Amiga game/demo music, you'll only find those specific kind of tunes here.


All my remixes as well as original releases can be found at:



My dabblings with actual SID music can be found over at DeepSID:



RSS feed:



For more information about my remixes and the specific tags I use to differentiate between them, see this page:





 keyboard_arrow_downReleasedTitleRemixed byDurationPlatformComposed byScore
06/03/2025IEggciting As Duck (Qwak Intro + Level 2 Music, Fusion Remix)Vandahlia3:23Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Bjørn Lynne64% 
25/02/2025IBlood Valley (Vandahlia Special Remix)Vandahlia4:38c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Ben Daglish66% 
16/02/2025IKilling Speed (Killing Game Show + Speedball, Fusion Remix)Vandahlia4:42Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Ray Norrish & David Whittaker73% 
24/01/2025ISaboteur IIVandahlia4:40c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Rob Hubbard70% 
05/11/2024IGreen Light (Green Beret+Lightforce, Fusion Remix)Vandahlia4:31c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Martin Galway79% 
16/10/2024IPlatoon (Stage 2)Vandahlia3:39c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Jonathan Dunn75% 
16/10/2024IFlashback, Main Menu Music (Vandahlia Special Remix)Vandahlia4:01Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Fabrice Visserot, Jean Baudlot, Rapahël Gesqua84% 
17/09/2024IDash Times Two (Boulder Dash I + II, Fusion Remix)
Copyright © 1984 First Star Software Inc.
Vandahlia3:59c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Jeff Schneider73% 
26/08/2024IOuter SpaceVandahlia4:23c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Sean Connolly67% 
26/08/2024IDesperadoVandahlia4:06c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Martin Nordell60% 
26/08/2024I3545 IIVandahlia4:05c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Thomas E. Petersen75% 
26/08/2024IRCaer AislingVandahlia3:51c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Rafal Kazimierski73% 
29/07/2024IDelta Bakery (Delta + Comic Bakery, Fusion Remix)Vandahlia3:29c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Rob Hubbard81% 
17/05/2024ISpace 2, RSI Megademo (Extended Remix)Vandahlia4:25Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Norbert Roecher68% 
13/05/2024IBoom Boom (Extended Remix)Vandahlia3:40c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Mikko Immonen64% 
02/04/2024ITurrbedo (Turrican II + Albedo, Fusion Remix)Vandahlia5:54Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Chris Hülsbeck, Gilles Soulet74% 
19/03/2024IRNinja in a V8 (Last Ninja + Last V8, Fusion Remix)Vandahlia5:01c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Anthony Lees, Ben Daglish75% 
05/03/2024IRambo III Stage 2 Music (Vandahlia Special Remix)Vandahlia6:14Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Jonathan Dunn72% 
05/03/2024IElvira MotD Upstairs Music (Vandahlia Special Remix)Vandahlia5:17Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Dave Hasler68% 
05/03/2024IDune Ecolove (Vandahlia Special Remix)Vandahlia5:05Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Stéphane Picq66% 
05/03/2024IAnother World, Intro (Vandahlia Special Remix)Vandahlia5:11Amiga music remixes AmigaRemix
Jean-Francois Freitas63% 
04/03/2024IRRobocop 3 - Main ThemeVandahlia4:37c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Jeroen Tel71% 
28/02/2024IFirefly (In-Game Music)Vandahlia4:52c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray65% 
28/02/2024IRBruce LeeVandahlia3:32c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
John A. Fitzpatrick61% 
27/02/2024IRBallblazer - Song of the GridVandahlia7:01c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Russell Lieblich56% 
27/02/2024ISpy vs Spy II The Island Caper
Copyright © 1985 First Star Software Inc.
Vandahlia4:33c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Nick Scarim67%