Hi! Nice to see you here on my profile. 😊
In the early 1990's I started composing my first MODs with 4-channel-Soundtracker (AMIGA500),
then I used NoiseTracker, Startrekker, Protracker, Oktalyzer and last but not least OctaMED (AMIGA1200).
Those were the days! 😉
I play the guitar, bass and drums and I'm a big fan of (technical Death-)Metal & Rock, Amiga & C=64 music, good ol' 8-bit Chiptunes, 80s music and I also enjoy dark and dramatic film scores and classical music.
Several years ago I used to play in various metalbands, but now I'm into homerecording Remixes and my own tracks again - if I can find the time!
At this point I would like to thank
Karsten Obarski,
Lars Hamre,
Anders Hamre,
Sven Vahsen,
Rune Johnsrud,
Teijo Kinnunen
Pex Tufvesson
and Anders Berkeman!
C=64 and AMIGA will always have a special place in my heart! ♥
Rock on! 🤘
1 Best c64 Remix
1 Best Amiga Remix
3 Best Amiga Remix
2 Best c64 Remix
3 Best Veteran (c64 or Amiga)
1 Best Amiga Remix