Abdelmoumen - Myth 2006 Mix
Track info
Arranged by:
Abdelmoumen Adept
Original SID:
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Charts position:
191. in the year 2006
4647. in all-time charts
4647. in all-time charts
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Solid enough, but the lack of inspiration pours from it like sweat.
Finding the lead really irritating and boring. No one has done a decent mix of Myth in yonks
Annoying as hell, this is. The lead is lazy, the instrument choices aren't great, and it just sounds like it plods along way too slowly. Needs a fair bit of work to get it up to a good standard.
I don't know. It's a bit... Boring. Sure, it's Myth, and sure, it sounds ok-ish, but... It just doesn't excite me.
Too minimalistic, too much reverb. Unbalanced variances in the drum velocity.
Ouch, Some of the notes are NOT the correct ones. Besides, what's happening with the drums? Drummer on some sort of sedative sometimes?
Not the easiest of sids to remix as this has proven.. Its laclustre its boring but as a 1st go, not too bad keep it up and you'll find your feet.
Sounds quite OK to me, but the mix itself doesn't really add much.
Ok, but too repetitive, lack of inspiration, gets boring...
Average, it is just too repetetive, more instrument variation could make it better.
To flat, to much delay effects and dry drums, but there is something in it that I really like cant set my finger on it
Flat and uninspired, sounds like mass-produced plastic.
Ok tune.
Bad mixing, wrong notes.
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