Al - Sanxion

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Al Remixer
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Charts position:
193. in the year 2006
4658. in all-time charts
Nothing really special with this one. Nice enough, but no outstanding marks at all. Very repetitive drumbeat which takes it down one notch for me.
This would have been a pretty OK remix 10 years ago. But in this day and age it feels too boring, repetitive and bland. The drums especially are utter sleeping pills! Nice effort, but doesn't quite get there.
Not too good. It just sounds a bit on the boring side and doesn't do much at all to excite, especially the drums. More work needed, I feel.
It's a timewarp! This really does sound like a SID2MIDI through some XM instruments with tweaking. The drums are phish!!
Very thin.
Gets marks from me for getting the tune right, but pretty anaemic these days. I remember hearing this ages ago: is this a recording of a MOD?
Nothing really wrong with it, it just sounds old and especially boring
With better mixing it would have been average.
I like it, the ending is very weak though.
Inoffensive enough but a remix by the numbers for me. No flair or real style about it. Strength of the original tune lifts it.
It just doesn't do anything for me, sorry.
Old-skool style, I like... Have expected much worse - especially much worse tracks got better ratings...
Five-ten years ago this would've been pretty good, but the scene has matured since then. Nice stuff, nothing exciting.
I like the tune. It is a solid, oldstile Tune. Nice to hear it in background. Just the End is to rough.
Well, "ten years ago". It has made its way into my movie reviews (robocop at rotten tomatoes). Unrelated to it, but indeed it does not sound "new". Listening to it more than once, I do not really find it repeating sequences.
Sounds way to 'thin' from the overall mixing... And the 'idea' behind the remix isn't really original (anymore)... So nothing really special here...
I almost gave it a "good, " because there is really nothing too wrong with it. It is nice to hear a simple remix now and then. I mean, we do all still love MODs here, right?
Good soft pop mix with cool synth
When you take on Sanxion, you take on one of the greatest tunes. This remix is unfortunately not the best, not even close.
I Like this one... It's more aggressive than other Sanxion-Remixes
I'm new to the remixing and really enjoyed the simplicity of this, I really got into it.
The only cool thing about it is simply calling yourself "Al". The tune has false notes and is boring.
Thats really not that bad :) good feel to it

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