Allister Brimble - Green Beret Full Orch

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25. in the year 2007
515. in all-time charts

I've remixed this track once before in my Amiga days. Its of my favourite C64 tracks and to me it cried out to be made orchestral. The orchestral library used is EWQSL gold (my current fave) along with some thunderdrums from EastWest Stormdrum. 


Re: bass.. I tend to mix my orchestral tracks so that they sound reasonable on all speakers.. car radio, cheap creative game speakers, hifi speakers. The bass is there if you want to boost it more on your amp.



Full string section

Timp, Snare, Thunderdrum set, Cymbals, Gong

Wagner Tuba, Tuba, Fhorn, Trombone, Trumpet

Flute, Piccolo, Oboe, Basssoon, Clarinet


AIR studio's reversed cymbal

SID chip

Very good version! However, I just keep comparing every orchestral arrangement to Glyn's Rastan remix, hence the orange smiley.
Great great sound and awesome use of orchestral sounds. The only thing it lacks is bottom (low frequencies/bass), but other than that it's nearly flawless.=)
I'm no orchestral fan... But this is well produced, and deserve an orange! As others said, I miss some bottom (I've got a "Bass" knob here though). Maybe you should have easened up on that snare tapping, as it goes on and on throughout the score
Alister, thank you for the music! Very nice arrangement of one of my favourite songs...
Nicely done... It's nice to hear this in a orchestral arrangement.. Reminds me very much of Warcraft 2..:/
Excellent orchestral version, albeit a bit short - some more experimentation on the main theme would be welcome. I also think using the original SID drums here is kinda hokey. Otherwise, definitely a keeper.
I just love orchestral arrangments, and this is one of the good ones. Symphonic is the b*llock!
Very nice orchestral remix of this amazing Galway SID! I actually think the SID bookends ruin it myself though - just a thought.
It's great, but it should be longer. I'd love to hear the same approach to Ghosts 'n' Goblins.
WOW!!!! Its a blooy good piece - BLOODY GOOD.
Really well done orchestrally, but misses the "groove" of the original, the overall marching beat sucked...
Yeah, Great work Allister!
Very nice, and I like how the start implies that the rest of the song sucks (and after that its very cinematic!)
Fantastic opening, and an unexpectedly early end. Good stuff, just needed to be longer.
Only the Green Beret can help....
Good... Not great.... Don't like the ploink refrence at the beginning and at the end
Mmm... Brimbleicious...
Almost perfect, if only it was longer!!!! What however is there is excellent! I'd have give it a red any day of the week if it was longer!
I think the SID bits in the beginning and at the end are a good idea, actually! Well, I do have a sick taste, anyway! But the tune is too short
Sorry, I don't like it. It's much too static and quantized for an orchestral piece. Orchestral means dynamic in every way! "Good" for the effort.
The instruments sound a little cheap and artificial. Aside from that, not bad!
Hmm... Quite excellent... Don't like the strings, too much reverb for my taste and the instruments sound all a bit artifical, but I honor the idea, so this one goes orange :-)
So it's ok to come forward with my vote now? :P Yes, didn't like this one much really..
Just a lovely rendition of Green Beret and I like the beat pulsating throughout the whole track.
Good work, a bit flat arrangement
Hell yeah, baby! Keep it up!
When it started... I thought what the heck is this.... Than BOOM!!! Awesomness!!! I'm not a big fan of Orchestral Remixes, but I like this one very much. Well Produced....
It's the best!!!!
Do I like this!:)
Great work, nice instrumental arrangment, it is sad that is so short
It`s good. Reminds me a bit of the Metal Gear Soundtracks nowadays. You`ll get no Allister Brimble-Bonus from me, dear (I surely adore your work you`ve done). So here`s the yellow one for you.;)
Bloody Marverlous that!
Sounds good and all, but not one for my collection.
Review by Jackal


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Excellent work Allister, definitely one of Galways strongest pieces, and love the bassoon work… Attention to detail sets it head and shoulders above the other remixes…