Andrea Baroni - Erebus (piano)

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Andrea Baroni Specialist
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Charts position:
10. in the year 2006
362. in all-time charts
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1 c64 charts April 2006

Sweet and emotional - respect!
There is something about a well played piano remix and this is just great! MORE OF THIS PLEASE!
I take it this is played live. And even if it's sequenced it takes awesome skills to make it sound this warm and alive. It's absolutely beautiful either way!
... Although if this was being played in a bar, people wouldn't bat an ear. I wonder if that says more about people or piano remixes?
Very nice, but did not turn me to give it a red one...
Emotional and beautiful.. Cant really say much more.
Outstanding. Perfect piano score and play. Very warm sound of instrument
Technically very impressive, but emotionally there's something missing for me to give it a red one... Sorry.
Very well played, good technical demonstration, but the sound is choked and soundlike you play in a bathroom, this tune is not enough emotive to play it this way IMO (at least I show my nick)
So simple and so very nice
Wonderful piano piece! This is music! No red one because WHERE IS THE CHORD CHANGE FROM 0:24 OF THE SID? THIS IS THE BEST OF THE WHOLE THING! (Sorry for getting loud!)
Damn! Yeah... There even has been a game called EREBUS back in the days!! Cooool memories coming up with this really nice and slow piano-version of this classic! Thanks, Andrea! Oehm, Andrea??? Ooops...! Cool!;-)
A one take, and a very good one! But I´m a bit allergic to the sparse harmonics in the middle part starting from 1:00. Otherwise it would have been orange.
Very professional sounding, and certainly vibrant. But I think this technique appeals more to musicians than to the general public. I have heard countless "solo piano" remixes of songs, and most of them kind of blend together in my mind.
This tune is now my official alarm clock tune.. And I wake up happy and alive..
Brilliant! Very emotional, well played, just awesome!
Very good! The fact that I love the piano, helps out on this mark. Only thing pulling down is that it sounds a bit sequencish, even though for all that I know, this is played by a real human :) Good work!
This is class..... That's all. Go away. Leave me alone.
Sounds better than original :D
Awesome - I played this to my g/friend as its so romantic and guess what it worked - gets an outstanding from me for the sex and the piano - thank you!!!
This is wonderful - makes me shead a tear or two :)
This is ABSOLUTELY brilliant! I only wish I could play the piano this way...
A genius on the keys! All good things come from Italy: pizza, pasta, Ferrari, N-Joy and Simona ;-)... And now also Andrea Baroni! Added to my collection.
This is rather wonderful, and just goes to show sometimes that the simplest ideas are the toughest to execute, but when they're done as well as this, they're simply beautiful. My current remix of 2006 right now.
Beautiful..... Just beaaaaautiful!
One of my favourite tunes. It's amazing!
Just awesome!
It does sound a like there is a tiny bit of emotion missing in parts, but no where near enough to lose you the red face :-)
I get some feeling about Tony Banks here.. Nice and close to red.
An another 'not really my cup of T song. An another red face from me, anyway :) What's good - is good. Regardless style.
OMG OMG its great superb and totaly awsome I just love piano and what you have made it with it. Please more of such tunes... Please
It's very good! Congratulation!
Absolute gorgeous.

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