Anthony Walters - The Last Ninja - Wastelands (Extended SID Remix)

3341. in all-time charts
I often ask myself the question: How would a well known SID tune sound, if the composer had more SID voices available back in the past? In some famous tunes you hear clearly some instruments are implied, but missing and if you recall the track later in your thoughts, your brain sometimes fills the gab of the missing instruments. At least, that is what happens to me if I recall a famous SID tune I personally like in my thoughts. So my remix is more a version of how I remember the SID tune. Maybe you like this too..
Last Ninja was my second remix with additional SID Instruments and it was created back in 2018. I added two additional basslines along with classic SID drumsets, pads and FX sounds. This track is mixed in true stereo, the process of recording, splitting and rearranging the audiotracks by Instrument type is time consuming, but relaxing 😊
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