Balage - Krakout

Track info
Arranged by:
Balage Remixer
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Charts position:
168. in the year 2009
3382. in all-time charts
Eh.. Hmm..
This has some parts in it I cannot agree with because they don't fit. Otherwise a very good remix of a very crazy and very hard tune. I remember Reyn cursing hard on a Sunday Service when he listened to Krakout... LOL
Not bad.
Some samples, especially voice are poor quality but it is one B*STARD tune to cover and you made a great attempt - something takes me back to it time and time again and if Reyn struggles you did well!!!!\
That SID is a huge piece of cake, man! :) The most hellbent tune of Mr Daglish that made me a huge fan of Krakout :) Big plus for the effort!
Very nice fusion of the original SID and instruments. Not too fond of the beepy bit starting around 1:13, but on the whole, very, very fun to listen to.
The only thing you got right is the awesome bass (0:13). The rest has too much SID, the mixing is so-so, the instrumentation too blippy-bloppy. It's actually okay up to 1:11, but then it goes downhill...
Love the original one, love this remake... But hey! Voice digitalized here just doesn't fit... Imho of course
Simple but very catchy.
Hm, as much as I like the original, this remix is just too close to it without adding any value in terms of sound quality or new ideas.
Has a nice retro feel.
It sounds a bit too much like the original. Only like some of the instruments have been boosted or switched. I want more inspirational work in remakes. But anyway... Some pretty solid work. I belive that you have potential!
Great original tune, but I wish there were some more visions in the remake to really push it to the limits. Sound a bit too much like the original. But since the original is good, this is also good. :-D
I like it if the original tune still shines through in a remix. It manages to send me back in time and reactivate those old memories => excellent remix
LOLKaaaaaaaa ez a zene nagyon jóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóó
Kind of like it
Meh. Well executed, but too similar to the original one.

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