BeeZerk - Blasphemy

710. in all-time charts
On the first warm and sunny day in march this year i went to the carwash.
Did a groovy compilation of my favourite reggae tunes on my usb-device for my car.
While i was cleaning the car that sunny beach holiday mood from the music hit me really really HARD….
My first thought: Hell this is the real deal
Turned the volume up…this awesome vibe was spreading to the people around me like an infection.
The first time people don't yell at me to keep my music at low level Well well, i need a reggae tune myself
i thought but much more bassy than the old reggae stuff
Said and done. Later at home i began searching for the right SID. After a few seconds i found Blasphemy
by AMJ. That's it, perfect
On the first WIP's the whole instrumental doesn't sound right. It was much to flat. Some tweaking and heavily subbass later it worked even on my crappy little car speakers.Cool….much to much bass for people with a good hi-fi system or a night-club but perfect to let my car vibrate..
So the bottom line is that i did this tune for my car. Never did so before. But it's fun to float around the streets on this.
So please enjoy this little artificial reggae smoothie.
Have Phun!
2 c64 charts May 2011
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