Bitcrusher - Turrican 2 - The Final Fight

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Arranged by:
Bitcrusher Remixer
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Charts position:
168. in the year 2006
4259. in all-time charts
Problem with this is that all the instruments tend to merge into each other creating a mashed up sound, pity cos it could have been very nice.
It has a very nice chemical feel to it, but I have to agree with Tas about the mashed up sound.
I really like this remix apart from the over-use of reverb / decay on all the instruments causing a seriously "muddy" sound and no space for anything - additional production / mastering is all that is needed..
Just a real shame that there's too much reverb here that spoils the tune somewhat. Take that out and do a bit of a remaster on it and you're on a winner.
As already told... Sound is mashed up... The lead is hidden by the bass-line most of the time...
It's an ok-mix... Sounds too 'muddy' overall as there's way to much reverb on all the instruments. Basic idea is'nt bad. The mixing brings it down sadly for my taste...:-/
The mix quality is cliche to comment on by this point (though I kind of like it) but when you cut out most of the instruments around the two minute mark, things improve dramatically through the end. I love the transition to the C64 synth segment.
A bit heavy on the hangar-sound-alike.
I can relax and tell the world.. WhY? Why they keep doing this to the songs of turrican? Someone can tell me? I need more techno dudes.. TECHNO!! SHIT I NEED SOME DOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The muddiness isn't automatically bad. I think that a big overlapping sonic attack is sometimes cool. It works here.
Loud and uninspired! I especially dislike the drums.

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