Blaster_194 - Kinetix

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Arranged by:
Blaster_194 Remixer
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Charts position:
203. in the year 2006
4863. in all-time charts
Too messy - mixing and mastering lacks.
Nice arrangement, bad sounds and mixing. The drum sounds are not very good, and the beat bores me to tears. The rest of the instrumentation is ok, but sounds a bit thin, and there's a bit too much filter sweeping going on.
Nice effort at covering this lengthy Jeroen Tel tune, but with two major issues: the mixing and the mastering. The drum sounds are all over the place, and it's just very thin and shallow really. It doesn't excite me that much because of that.
Hmm. Sounds like he ran out of ideas after the initial delay riff.
Starts of well enough but suffers after the first 30 secs with bad mixing, needs some work on it to make it stand out
Promising start but fails badly after 30 secs.
Sorry, Breeebaart beat you to this remix...
I was waiting to hear "I'm not an Atomic Playboy" Sounds too much like Skaven/Purplemotions 2nd Reality. Maybe its the way the lead sounds?
Its ok, but its a little bit all over the place and for a "dance" tune its faaaaaaaar to long heh. Anyway keep it up and you'll get there.
All said above me :-)
Oh no
Good idea, but the mixing is a mess.
Technically Ok but boring...
Muddy mix, uninspired arrangement, questionable choice of instruments.
I am no fan of this SID, remix at some point sounds nice, at most it hearts ears.
A bit un-kinetic :)
The sound quality is not very good, but I really like the arrangement! With more care to sound quality, this would have gooten a "Very Good" from me.
As many others have mentioned, the drums are pretty bad-sounding, but the synths (what we can hear of them) are good.

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