Bluejooz - Delta '06 by Bluejooz

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Bluejooz Adept
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114. in the year 2006
3261. in all-time charts
Delta '06.
First off… I don't write this kind of music to be reviewed or for recognition. I write so people can simply like it or loathe it. If you like it then great… if not then okay, it's not your cup of tea. I do it for fun.
Just download it, play it. Keep if you like it; bin if you don't. Simple as that.

Delta is a legendary game with stonking sounds and music. Rob Hubbard was a pure genius when it came to writing tracks for games and even by todays standards, his music has stood the test of time. Almost twenty years this game was released and here we are today still listening to great renditions of this timeless classic.

This mix was written using Cubase SX1.03, Reason 3 (rewired) and a host of VSTs.
I actually lost the original mix due to a hard drive crash and had to resort to rewriting (reluctantly) a different mix. I personally kind of like what I've done but there are some parts that could have been better such as the lead line became too quiet in the mix and some of the percussion became a little bit too sizzling. The adlib (the jam) at the end should have been louder and does get lost in the mix which is a pity because I totally went to town on it… and yes, it was played live along with the rest of the lead from start to finish. It was all mixed down on to mini disc and then re imported for final mixing. Due to limited time I only managed to get a half hearted mix to be truthful but still… as I have found out, some people "do" like it whilst others "don't".

Personally… I kind of like it but also don't like it. You just can't beat the original in my opinion.

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I would have marked this down a little if it wasnt for that tingle when you hear Delta, guess Ill never get that Euro dance thing
Foot tapping, and enjoyable.
A dancefloor rendition of Delta. Lead sound's a little thin, still pretty nice.
I like this, even though some sounds could be enhanced a bit. Some quite nice touches in there.
Good enough, and danceable I suppose, but it doesn't have any feeling or emotions for me. And it still reminds me of Koyaanisqatsi...
It's a great approach to something that has been remixed so much. This is a very nice version and only misses an outstanding because of some weak instruments
I know what I would have done to this to knock it up a notch: the musical nuances of the tune kind of escaped, but a good try. Worth a download.
Good one, but could be even better.
-3: beat too fast for me, some wrong notes - maybe this was done intentionally, sounds weak... +1: Some nice ideas, I suggest you ask Mr. Abbott to help out :-D
Some good, some bad, same mediocre issues here!
It's nice but for a Delta remix to get a high score in this day and age it still lacks.. Something..
I used to listen to this SID for hours on end. A nice approach here and well done, but missing the escence of the original which made it so great in the first place. A really good try though.
Very enjoyable...
Good stuff! Would almost made an red one if it wasn't trying too much effects-hunting. Like the jamming around 4:20!
Hat is a bit too loud, still, I like the ides :) But, Beat is in front (through entire track) instead melody.
Good beat, clear sounds. Maybe a bit too commercial to be really 'outstanding'?
Too trancy! The wonderful Delta melody loses too much emphasis.
Could use better mixing, love it though.
Oh its just great! I am in love with this track.
OH NO! Yet another delta remix. But wait! This one is actually great! Should have worked a bit more on the lead synth to reach the ace position of the remixes though.

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