Bluffphonica - Gordian Tomb subtune4 (psychedelic version)
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Bluffphonica Remixer
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Charts position:
160. in the year 2008
3130. in all-time charts
3130. in all-time charts
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Different in a kind of a mess on a plate way, captures the sid tho
I applaud the production of this PSY-Trance remix but to me the original Gordian Tomb tune is totally lost in the ambience of this remix
Great psy-trance, but all the echo effects and stuff kind of buried the tune altogether...
UNZ... UNZ.... UNZ..... Is simply OUT OF STYLE these days! Please be _more_ creative instead!:-/
Very nice unz. But way too psy for my taste. Average, sorry.
It is quite good one and I really love it.... (but it seems hrad to get the real thomb)
Playing a bass in a completely different key than the melody really doesn't do it for me. (in the intro part)
Absolutely brilliant!!!
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