Branko Balsic - Robocop 2 tune 10 (The Darkside)

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58. in the year 2006
1420. in all-time charts
Nice sound picture and an interesting atmosphere. Good work
90s trance by Branko Balsic! Very well produced, interesting use of SID. Great improvement over previous works!
Very nice trance remix with appropriate use of SID sound. Crisp sounds, nice drumriff with plenty of breaks.... Really nice production.
A great improvement by Branko, and one that really deserves to be heard. Well produced with intriguing use of SID that compliments the tune well rather than detract from it. Not to mention plenty of atmosphere. Excellent stuff!
Really cant make my mind up, its well mixed and its original and which should really earn an orange, but there is something missing and I cant put my finger on it
I can't warm to this one, though it has obvious technical merits. Maybe my ears have gradually become less sensitive to high frequencies, but there seem to be some missing. The whole thing sounds a tad muffled.
Now this is a nice trancey rendition of this Dunn-tune. Neat and subtle use of the original SID and great production, but yes, there could be a bit more on the higher side of the sound. Great anyhow!
Oh yes! Love the break around the three minute mark. Very crisp, boardline harsh mixing. But it works in my book!
Upgrades matey! I miss a bit more complex hihat structure to give it a red one, but nonetheless good stuff 4 sure!
Something good out of something very little.. Cant help but commend the effort and it sounds really nice too very retro very fun.
Yellow or orange is the question... Give it a yellow coz it's too repetitive...
It's ok so far....! Maybe it's just lack of knowledge of the original subtune that it doesn't give me too much more here though... Technically a solid work at least...
I don't like the most techno trance remixes but this song is great.
I can kind of understand the "muffled" comment; it seems like the treble in general was somehow slightly turned down on this track. But it is an amazing piece of trance madness regardless.
Good sence of mixing. He`s gotta be "nerd" or something :) in your face, pedro :)
Heh, if I hadn't knew the title, I would have guessed during the intro, that it was another sanxion remake.
Shit!, this is that I call A remix!! Dude I quit! ... Can I be your friend..
Good sound, nice dance track. Unfortunately, I don't like dancing. This tune is monotonous and has only 2 chords and no melody. Still, the breakbeat part starting at 3:00 makes it Good instead of Average for me.
Hypnotic - Powerful -

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