CZ Tunes - Gold Quest IV

Track info
Gold Quest IV
Arranged by:
CZ Tunes Veteran
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Charts position:
53. in the year 2009
1323. in all-time charts

Gold Quest IV is a new game by sledgie.
Music made by Richard Bayliss.
I hope you like my remix.
Have fun.
And thanks for all votes.😉

Nice greets


A great pompous kind of tune, very much scene-/demo-music influented :-)
Like prowler said :)
I love this sort of remixes great work CZ
It's a technically perfectly executed, yet somewhat flat dance track. It is really nice but I miss some personal style that could set this one apart from other 12-a-dosen flat dance tracks.
Beautiful!!! Instant good mood, great production too!
Good Remix CZ Tunes.
Not bad, but I gues for my taste it sounds a bit to weak.
The mixing hurts a bit in my ears, so its only a GOOD. (CZ, erinnere mich mal daran, dass ich Dir ein paar Tricks mit Soundforge zeige... ;) Gruß, Mitch)
Great remix. Very good.
Like Chainsaw said ;) And it has that typical CZ-Style!
Great one.
Good ish
Great I like that one.
Guru Josh meets Koto! Unfortunately, this meeting is rather unspectacular! Technically brilliant but repetitive and boring!
The sort of thing Christian you do best - short chords and lovelly base - awesome as always! Greets my friend
In the average, nicely...
I nice tune. I like it a lot, but aren't there even more fat electrosounds "out there" to use in this kind of tunes?
Good stuff

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