Dafunk - Dominator (extended atmos rmx)

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Dafunk Adept
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26. in the year 2007
516. in all-time charts
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2 c64 charts April 2007

ROTY 2007

3 Best c64 Remix

Lengthy and atmospheric it definitely is. However I can't give this one a red because it lacks one thing: feeling. I just don't feel attached to the original tune anywhere and as good as an ambient piece it is, there just doesn't feel enough.
Hmm.. Quite good but it lacks the usual Dafunk-ness quality I think.. Missing something that doesn't cut it all the way through. Still enjoyable.
This is not what Dafunk is, he can do much better :) But still a good piece of work.
Really beautiful atmosphere! I especially love the electro-orchestral part at the beginning!
Wonderful, kinda reminds me of the stuff the orbital were doing back in 02 (mixing in live instruments with the synthy stuff) half experimental half dance track.. All bloody good.
This is really fine stuff... Like it much...
Really good, goes straight to my collection. But it lacks that special something...
Very Nice Indeed.
Kinda reminds me of matt greys driller in that its slow and dark but has something that makes you want to continue listening - not the usual Dafunk, but still bloody damn good - and worthy of another red - nice work mate - you improve every time!
Obviously good mixing but I didn't feel there was enough happening in the track, left me uninspired.
I listened to this tune over and over, but somehow I didn't get the point. Where does this remix want to go? To me it seems aimless. But maybe that's only me.
Its great
I actually think this is something special and if I could still drive it would be played on long journeys full blast!
I have mixed feelings about this one. I'm a fan of Dafunk, but this is one of his weaker efforts: too long, not very exciting, but technically excellent. The "nostalgia" factor is not there, either.
This is a lovely song, but the length is just too much, which has the disadvantage of making it sound a little repetitive towards the end. Perhaps mixing in a little more of the original lead would help here.
Epic is one word for it, but it lacks the punch of the original sid and it was something I was looking forward to Dafunk taking on
Very good (and long) try
Wonderfull tune.. Great for traffic..
He does it again. Fantastically atmospheric, if not melodic, cunjuring all manner of images. Thanks.
Nice piece of work here. Nice mising as always and style within. BUT: where IS 'domintaor'!??? ! ;-) Kinda far-away 'remix' of the original, isn't it? That's the sad thing about it. Would have liked _more_ real dominator feeling in here!
For me this deserves nothing less than a big fat smiley red. Gets better andn better with every listen. When it gets going it is totally immersive. Thank you Mr Dafunk. Another great production to be proud of. 10 out of 10 from me!
Technically excellent, but too long, too repetitive, lacks feeling, highly overrated.
Wow, This is a really great job
I think we have another contender for Remix of the Year... Keep 'em coming, mate. We enjoy every last one.
I just LOVE this... The variation over the full length of the tune is just perfect.
I was hesitating about giving it red or orange. But I love this fusion of classical and modern instruments so much, that I decided to give big RED FACE :)
Very good work... Soound selection is amazing but it's just too long. Btw, nice experimenting :D
This tune works on some very delicate level.. Can't quite put my finger on it even after a year.
Love it. Great variation. I love the part where the soundtrack slows down, and then speeds up again. Effects like this add interest and colour. Great tune also.
I love this tune full of impressive suprises and mastered build up atmosphere
Good job
Sweet remix.

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