Dafunk - Space of Chaos
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Dafunk Adept
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Charts position:
38. in the year 2006
1011. in all-time charts
1011. in all-time charts
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I think this is excellent! Mastering / EQ seems ok to me.... Didnt give a gold because it is trying to be too many things - but maybe that was your intention..
I'm giving this a red one. It might be a bit much, but I just love how this tune feels like... A journey.
Great to see Dafunk back to his best, a lovely long mix with plenty of bits thrown in with a great build up through out
Brilliant stuff!!! Love the idea how it changes direction but still remains within the story that it purveys. Although unsimular in style - very mike oldfield in how it's progressess and changes structure while still feeling part of what its all about.
Really good work on an unknownish sid... :) Like it a lot!
Very nice take on a vastly under-rated SID. Plenty of mellow feel as it starts, then builds up into more drama and emotion. May need a tweak here and there but it's another excellent effort from Dafunk. Why can't more remixers choose obscure stuff?
Dafunk is going from strength to strength musically in my opinion I hope this isnt the pinnacle of what he can achieve because I want to hear alot more.. Great great stuff.
I would've give this a orange smile if it wasn't so boring =/.. Everything sounds very good but nothing really happens!!
Nice building intro but from then on it really doesn't go anywhere. Maybe it needs more thumping drums!
Plus for encoding, unusual SID = big plus :-) good + big plus = very good, I guess anyone can do this math?:-)
I think exactly like dimmignat and are_be
Very pleasant to listen to
Yeah... Does what it wants to do... ;-D
Fantastic... Brooding atmosphere at the begining, then the end sequence a complete contrast, kickin. Top quality, love it.
I agree with Dimmignatt as well, but I wouldn't say it's very boring even if not much happends.
Almost too-much-in-one for my taste, too. But rating it any worse would be unfair.
All shouts sound asif noone of you even know the original by Orcan (which was one fist full of power! ), I don't mind experimental tracks.. But this has soo little to do with the original, I just have to downvote it.
Great almost-2-minute-long intro, but then the tune doesn't really get going somehow. The fast part at the end doesn't really recompense the listener for waiting so long.
Very good one mate
Stell listen in the car.
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