Dan Tootill - Scumball

Track info
Arranged by:
Dan Tootill Veteran
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
181. in the year 2003
4103. in all-time charts

I chose Scumball because nobody else had done it yet and it proved to be a pivotal moment. Feeling unable to progress beyond the mediocrity of my Platoon and Ocean Loader 2 remixes, I approached Chris Abbott for some advice. He was really incredibly helpful, guiding me towards soft synths which I'd shied away from having failed to make anything decent with AXS. I spent a long time experimenting and began to learn how to create sounds that were characteristic of hardware I loved, but didn't have access to. The sound of the TB-303 in software was something to be very excited about. I also invested in some decent drum samples, although I clearly did a terrible job of mixing them here.


It felt I had the right tools at last and couldn't really go wrong with this, even though it was a short tune. However, even the most positive of the three reviews suggested either me or Tim Follin was tone-deaf and I very much doubt he meant the latter. The high-pitched notes really are that high in the original SID, so I can only apologise if I gave anyone a headache. I'm pretty sure the fast arpeggios are correct, and even after all these years I can't hear the bum note that was pointed out in the first review. I know this isn't great, Peacemaker did a much better job and load_error's trance version shows what else can be done with this tune.

Sounds good!
Those reviews are a bit harsh, youve done really well with this!!!
Review by Tas


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Not a bad overall composition here, but is plainly let down by the sound quality which fits the bill of Early Amiga Mod. The tune is very short and repeats itself 3 times with little or no variation to the 1st pass. Not enough of the arrangers own influence here, and the tune is quite plainly dull and uninventive.
Review by eliot


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This is one of Tim Follins tunes, I do not like due the very high frequence notes they sound like cries and that really hurt my ears 😊 The original is very short so it may be unwise to choose it for a remix.
The bassline (-fx) is overhelming the whole tune and there is a glitch playing this awefull high notes (there is an unharmonic note in). Dan did a 1:1 cover with very less own inspiration, and he choose an electronic instrument for the lead very similar to the orgininal SID.
Review by skurk


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I can't say it's terrible, because I can't do any better myself, but at some points it sounds like the composer is tone deaf. Some notes are really way off, but throughout the tune he gets it mostly right. The sound, the beat and everything is really great, but those few high-pitch notes are like needles some times.