DHS - HyperZapper (Stockholm Ravening)

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Charts position:
36. in the year 2006
976. in all-time charts
Oh gawd! Mr UNZ has done it aghain.... Tis is a wonderful remix that really makes me wish I was in my 20's and out partying on legal drugs! Not his best for sure - but still a really nice remix..
When is DHS going to get his award?:)
I really enjoyed this one, plenty of oomph to really get you going, and really keeps the spirit of the original alive - in a big way.
Production is godlike as always. But I'll "only" give this an oragne one, because I know Carlo can come up with better ideas than this when he really puts his mind to it! Still, top stuff! No doubt!
Now, this is UNZing the hell out of my soundsystem, which I really like... ;) The tune itself is a bit repetitive, but that's not DHS' fault, but it kind of leaves the red vote outside for me... I LOVE the serbian singing, though...
Damn! This is soooo fine!
Another very good track from the master of UNZ.....
Unz unz unz unz, the only thing that grates a little is that guitar, doesnt seem to fit in with the rest of it but the tune itself raises my flag :)
Very good! I love the chorus mixed with the electro-rock kinda sound. Extra plus also for a swedish town in the remix name!;)
Great rave tune! Top notch production values as usual.
I think it would be perfect if all of the parts were fully in key, but some parts of the vocals don't fit, and the guitar is really not in tune with the rest
Orange for, yet, again DHS' superb production skills but I just dont feel anything for the tune
Whoa, gr8 stuff from my idol again!:)
GREAT work! I love this track!
Unz.. Unz... Unz... Unz... Unz.... Unz... Unz!!! :-/ Nooooooo, dudes! Time's _over_ for this!! PLEASE! No more boring UNZ... UNZ... UNZ ones...! :-/ I feel sorry that I had to vote DHS just 'good' now just because of that!:-/
One word! BASSDRUM!!!! How da heck do you do this??? !!! :) love the break at 0:24!!!
The guitar ruins it for me...
Respect, I completly forgot it was an SID!!!
Top stuff!
Amazin really, but the guitar... And the vocals brings it down to a yellow one
Like some other folks, I also did not like the guitar. Althought I just know you could do it far much better.
Nice version, though the fuzz guitars didn't quite fit. And some of the analog stuff just feels like it's been thrown in.
Trance sucks! But the vocal parts save this one for me, very innovative. The guitars don't fit in, though.
Love it
The vocals are magical, the "unz" too ^^

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