DJ Subslash - IK+ (Nokia mix)

Track info
Arranged by:
DJ Subslash Remixer
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Charts position:
366. in the year 2001
5044. in all-time charts
Sweet merciful crap. My ears!
Being fellated by a Great White Shark would just, *just*, be worse than having to listen to this.
Thats just terrible! What kind of moron would put the worlds most annoying sound into a song? Its crap when its worst!
Not bad
I wish the were a worse rating than bad. This would definitly deserve it!
Once again: Funny! Some words in german: Jamba läßt grüßen!
Don't do another one like this again please.:(
The worst c64-mix ever???
Atleast this one should be rated green.
This is so horrible that its actually good! Had me luaghing (no offense, I hope)! It deserves a solid green one for the great idea…
I don't get why you whould want to put a tune like this up on RKO…
I felt I had to comment on this. This is a classic. Not a good classic, but it earns some trivia points for being the worst rated tune on RKO. My vote won't make it climb any higher on the charts.
I suspect that DJ Subslash has destroyed his own hearing by listening to his ipod too loud, how else would this sound good enough to him? LOL
Ouch. Seems like a joke no one understands. On my part, after two decades of learning how to play and sing in pitch, play in tempo, arranging and writing songs and perform live - this track feels like as if my left and right brains were slowly torn apart.
It made me laugh, so its comedy! (Im not sure if its intentional though)… To use the worst sound ever created by mankind as a lead instrument is brave, insane and funny, lighten up people!
LoL… I must give it average, since it is just that plain awful it just made my laugh =D
Not even close to something that could be mistaken for music.
Nog great, but not as bad as some people rank it at. Slightly above average at best though.
Maybe it's a joke…
That is a real moral courage!
Review by Chris Abbott


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Yes!! Those mobile phone tones are SO great I want them played REALLY loud through my Hifi! Yes!! hahahahahahahaha!! Take an ethnic breakbeat, an out of time Nokia IK+ ringtone and an unrelated speech sample, repeat for a few minutes and you have this. Oh yes, and the background chord stab has no relation to IK+ either. I cannot stand covers like this, but unfortunately when c64 music leaves the scene, this kind of cover happens to it all the time (for instance, Output64). So, bearing in mind I've dispatched Ninjas to the person who arranged this to smash up their equipment, here are my marks: So terrible I'm screaming.
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This remix starts out with a superb groove, then you hear the beeping IK+ theme coming out of a Nokia phone. If this remix was intended to be funny - it ain't. If it's serious, it's making a mockery of this SID classic. It's tasteless.
Review by rushjet1


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I thought the beat was cool and the music was ok, and was like why does this get a bad rating?! then I heard the phone tune come in. then I realized the cool music looped every 5 seconds or something like that - it's really repetitive and grating. The phone music ruins it.