Doctorrus Petrixuss - Cold Dreams
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Doctorrus Petrixuss Veteran
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Charts position:
149. in the year 2011
3958. in all-time charts
3958. in all-time charts
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I can see what's trying to be done here and I love the idea. It's a bit messy in doing it, but I'm going to mark it up for the effort. Nice usage of a couple of Prodigy samples too.
Dark and cool. Very unbalanced mixing though.
Very evil with lots of variety and small details, its a little too mono for me but I wont mark it down for that.
Dark (satanic? :p) dubstep-y track. Lacks punch in the drums.
Experimental version in a dark athmosphere. Brave try - a bit different than "normal".
Pure evil... In the best possible way almost cutting edge
Term 'nice' would fit this one like it would fit a nuclear blast. I kinda like it. Kudos for keeping everything powerful and uderground! Mixing could improve but what the hell. Again, cool original SID. Mind about re-starting SID engines one day?
Too choppy/tortured for my eardrums, sorry
Worst track I've recently heard!! I'm sry! This has nothing to do with music... Just weird stuff...
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