Doron Deutsch - Out Run (magical acoustic shower)

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83. in the year 2008
2063. in all-time charts
Fun. Brave. Nice sound. Good.
Grow a ponytail and put on some fancy clothes and you could tour with this, El Mariachi style. Amazing accoustic rendition.
Nice! Great for a nerd-bonfire with 2 guitars on a demoparty evening.
This is skillful guitar playing, very enjoyable! I like the arrangement, too, the little variations, everything.
Doron goes all Gypsy Kings on us and does a different Out Run take that's well worth a listen.
Very different, very nice. Some minor things that do not sound quite right, but who cares? Ok, I do. A bit. But anyway, great remix!
Very nice! Love all those little details which you have included your performance.
Omg, awesome! Very refreshing :)
Wow, I've got goosebumps, and it's 7. 30 in the morning! Excellent guitar skills, I absolutely LOVE the variations you've added! Wow!
The guitar cracks are rather painful and yet there are some playing mistakes. Acoustic guitar presentation doesn't work alone IMHO. In other hand it is quite a cool acoustic "Out Law" remix!;)
Impressive and different, great great stuff
A bit out of tune but otherwise excellent
Acoustic christmas - if only the guitars had been tuned properly! Get yourself an electronic tuner man! But anyway, it's a fireworks of playing skills and passion. Well done Doron!
Nice Idea, nice guitar-work! The tapping-part at 2:28 sounds funny.;)
Very well played! And this version got a very nice personality to it :)
A bit more skills on the guitar, and a bit better arrangement, this would end up in the hall of fame! A very nice take on the tune! Sounds very live'ish.
Great - I love it - just misses the red one - but its a great piece of work
I bet, Agemixer isn't able to play a SINGLE clear tone on guitar. ~roflmao~ '(... ) it is quite a cool acoustic "Out Law" remix! '.... And then he votes 'POOR'??!
The guitar idea is fine, but to much mistakes or wrong tunes
Very refreshing. I don't care for the "guitar errrors", I'm not able to do anything with a guitar, personally...
Maybe not perfect, but great performance nonetheless.

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