Doron Deutsch - Uridium (Inner Space)
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Doron Deutsch Veteran
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Charts position:
154. in the year 2006
4014. in all-time charts
4014. in all-time charts
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This is a difficult one to judge, although I really really llike the ideas behind it you just cannot forgive the mistakes on the lead guitar... And the new world backing just seems too random to work. It could be so much better with more thought...
A brave attempt at something different, which doesn't quite work becuase the off key sounding notes stick out like a sore thumb for me and don't hold together so well. A bit more effort and it'd have been a lot better.
It's the Good, the Bad, and the downright ugly.
A new track by the master of far-out-there remixes. This time a bit too far out-there, even for my taste - would fit nicely into a Sergio Leone western movie though.
I'm giving it extra bonus for weirdness. But it's not exactly spot on as a remix...
Well, it seems like he's trying to do something here and it also seems like I'm missing the point, because I think it simply sounds a bit... *hmmm*... Average? Can't really put my finger on it...
I admittedly like this tune, not exactly a spot on remix but def original and the guitaring is lovely
The bloke can most certainly play that guitar well, despite the obvious mistakes (or are they mistakes? ). It's just so way out it's hard to tell if they are deliberate or just wierd. Still, at times good, at times not so!
Not going to fault something or someone for doing something different.. Though it does grate a little
Too much delay and too less tracks! Where are the (great btw) harmonies?
Yeah something new.
Nopes... Nopes.... NOPES!!! Ok, you can imagine the idea behind it... But it was definitly _not_ executed 'well' in _any_ place there! :-((( No way for SUCH a great SID!
Anti-weasel voting :-))) yes, dor-x did it... Something to satisfy only him (and me :-))
I quite like it, to be honest. Sure, the execution leaves a lot to be desired, but it does carry a certain "raw", enthusiastic charm.
Neat idea with the guitar and ambient background, but it's just too raw. Great concept, so-so execution.
A wonderful 'laid back' interpretation. It's only let down by a few mistakes on the lead.
Wierd, interesting and a bit offtune. It certainly has personality.
Nice take on the tune, allthough not all seemed to fit.
With more accurate guitar playing, this would get an "Average". But not like this!
This is AMAZING!
Its freaky but too much delay messes up a good idea
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