Emre Bulsat - Metal Generation

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Charts position:
131. in the year 2006
3484. in all-time charts
Quite nice.:)
Happy and bouncy and erm, well, happy and bouncy
Better than his other recent effort, this has the right bouncy feel with plenty of neat little touches. This works!
OK remix, but the original is still way better
Ok, drums get on my nerves.
OK, but a bit boring. I know, I had the same problem with my tracks.
Dont know if my grade was brought up by then incredible tune or the remix, doesnt mather I like this
It just sounds to me like a c64 crack screen? Its like one of those funny dotty pictures. Close one eye and move it away from you..... I just don't see it
Cant really fault it, the instruments are a little casio keyboard demo.. But its definitely an improvement and I look forward to hearing emre progress :) keep it up your going in the right direction
I'd call that kids techno. Technically it goes ok. Almost average.
I agree, it's somewhere between Average and Good.
Sounds quite generic and sterile, but it's still fun that someone had a go at this piece again.
Good feel!
Review by solo


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

By the way. This reminds me of an Ikari crack screen… Whether thats good or bad… i dunno. BUt ikari had a good few bopping intro tunes. Yours doesnt improve much on that im sorry… Same old same old