Espen Gätzschmann / TiLT - Super Cars 2
Track info
Arranged by:
Espen Gätzschmann / TiLT Remixer
Original composed by:
Charts position:
23. in the year 2008
375. in all-time charts
375. in all-time charts
Vote distribution
Faithful cover. Good mix, but it lacks some energy.
Quite ok, but could be a bit more intriguing from point to point.:)
Full points for the guitar melodies, great work there! I was expecting something more after the 2:05 buildup, and the mixdown bothers me a little (loud snare + lots of pan), but always nice to hear a quality remix on one of my favourite Amiga tunes :)
Faithful. Nice guitars. The panning of the drums is unneccessary and a bit distracting, imho...
Very good, could have been a red face with more variations/energy/suprises.
Nice Remix. The snare is a bit too loud, but the leadguitars are very nice!
One of my fav Amiga tunes updated with great lead guitar work esp at 2:13-2:16
The Best Supercars Tune. Simple and very effective. I've been looking for this for ages! Excelent work
A very good attempt. I like it!
Nice but I heard better ones, too much raw not polished sounds
Love everything except the mega-cheesy drum fillin at 1:24 with _manual_ delay (echo) :-)
Great version of a great one. Thx!:-)
Nothing to complain about. Full points.
Good cover!
This nails it.
Nice, needs some real grunginess tho.. More hard rock.. Need those deep drum sounds and more focused guitar.
Review by neglesaks
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating