FeekZoid - Armakunis Journey

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FeekZoid Veteran
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Charts position:
14. in the year 2000
649. in all-time charts
Gives a whole new touch to the good ol' Ninja feeling. The military drums sort of polish the whole thing up. Just great!
Very Nice
Actually reminds me of the first time I heard this when I loaded this fantastic game all those years ago. Love it.
Brill - made me smile. Track 1 for my personal Last Ninja 'Best Of' is SORTED! EDIT: 24 yrs later.... Still great!
Wait, I have not voted for this one already? I am still loving it! This must be how Ben had it in mind - or at least it makes me thinking so which is FeekZoids achievement.
Love it! One of my alltime favorites!
Review by Chris Abbott


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Anything with journey in the title had better be epic! Luckily this is. A simple start has Ben's subtune 3 loading music nicely echoed across the landscape. Then some floating chords come in with the echoes and beautifully complement the SID. At 1:30, in comes a stirring military drumbeat to convey us to the next floaty part of the tune: reminds me slightly of Bolero! Building on that atmosphere, beautiful choirs crash in to convey the scale of the epic journey of the title. Let's face it, it's a classic remix. It tries to convey emotion and it succeeds. Yet it's a simple cover. Classic download.