FeekZoid - The Desert Dream (Part One)

Track info
Arranged by:
FeekZoid Veteran
Member profile:
Original composed by:
Charts position:
3. in the year 2004
127. in all-time charts
Top Rankings

3 Amiga charts 2004

1 Amiga charts April 2004

ROTY 2004

1 Best Amiga Remix

This is great.
Awesome. Awesome to the max. I love the "It came from the desert" intro.
My new favorite! Only bad thing is that is should last forever, not only 3 minutes!
Yep! About as good as a remix can get!
I just listened to this for the 100st time and still can't get enough of it! This tops even the outstanding original by far!
Nice soft tune, I had too go and look at the original Kefrens demo that I rember now...
I like the background arrangement, but the panflute theme isn't exactly like the original; a bit too "panflute 80's hits"...
I love the lead flute instr. And when the guitars come in in the background it really goes _whoa_ 4 me :D! Excellent job...
Its a perfect remix with very good choose of instruments, Thanks FeekZoid!
Very good!!!
Those good days of amiga reminder
Excellent! Pretty much perfect!
One of my favorite demo on Amiga. Original is great, your mix respect it, too bad you don't do Part 2,3...
A W E S O M E!!!
Too highly rated. The flute is too thin and the sound is not crystal clear. However, the background guitar is great.
Very nice but it’s only the beginning of the original song being repeated…
Very nice adaptation. I just regret that the pipes sound a bit "cheap"
Great! Nice touch with the intro speech, and well done remix!
Review by rafael


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Ah… the Desert Dream. Days gone by and all that. Actually, to start off - what really makes this remix for me is the intro with Cinemaware's It came from the Desert intro speech integrated - direclty from the classic three disk Amiga game. What a brilliant idea. The speech sample set the atmosphere perfectly and blends nostalgia of the game with Kefrens' amazing Amiga demo, which in fact appeared some years later but rounds up the idea of this remix nicely. Laxity wasn't really (in my view) one of the best Amiga musicians, also being coder if I remember correctly, though he did create this little masterpiece. A catchy melody, some excellent samples and an impressive standard-setting demo to go with it. But I'm off the topic now, Freekzoid's remix is really excellent too: The eerie intro, some clear and crips sounds, good porting of the original to a more modern synth sound and great mastering. The tune itself gives little room for manouvering, so Freekzoid has gone for expanding on the basic idea of the tune, leaving it shrt and simple but amazingly to-the-point. Thumbs up!
Review by dimmignatt


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Well what have we here 😊
The old Desert Dream part 1 by Anders E Hansen (Laxity)
So with that said over to the review.
When i first saw this song in the number one position i just had to listen to it. At first it's really strange sound that got me thinking what is this??
Then i heard the it came from the desert speach i thought it was a cool way to start this song. Then the song starts with the intro and i feel my self at home 😊 Though when the melody starts you used a type of instrument that i for one dont think fits in 😒 but hey there is always someone who likes that to.
The drums is almost like the orginal and i think it sucks (i have nothing against that drumbeat) but maybe you should have tried some other beat?? anyway the remix overall is pretty good and to see that someone else like this song is amazing 😊 I for one has always loved this song and remixes like this are always welcome… Keep up the work.
Review by sebekmaj


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Wow, this remix is very good. I like that music, but this file have to low quality(kbps). Good job FeekZoid!
Review by Ryrynz


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Excellent remix, the intro is a nice touch and everything gels well together.
However… the low quality/mixing kinda ruins it a bit.