FeekZoid - The Orchestral Synthasaurus Ninja

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FeekZoid Veteran
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6. in the year 2001
681. in all-time charts
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2 c64 charts February 2001

ROTY 2001

2 Best c64 Remix

One of my favourite LN remixes!
Feekin' marvelous! Another Red one..... Big surprise, eh?!
It has a LN1 melody but a LN3 feel to it, which works perfectly. Only some of the "orchestral" instruments sound a little to MID'ish for my taste. Thus "only" Very Good! Added to my collection anyway.
Like it, because it's differnt to other Last Ninja Remixes!
Really nice.
Review by Chris Abbott


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

You don't often hear guitar beginning a Ninja track. That's the first surprise with this. The second is that the SID (despite the orchestral track) is still here in FXd form, along with a distinctly Art of Noise set of drums. Then the Orchestral X-files parts starts. It's sublime: great cello, guitar and pianos, wonderful string work, nice X-Files lead, thunder… then it turns into an 80s OMD kind of cover. Well, you can't fault this tune for variety! Oh yes, the guitar solo at the end: marvellous! Must-download.
Review by beldin


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

What a fantastic instrumental soundtrack this is! It creates a varied and impressive atmosphere, switching between a clearly recognizable synth theme with powerful drums and less percussive slow'n'sweet sections based on acoustic guitar and piano accompany. Towards the end of the 4:12 long track you can enjoy a climax featuring a lead e-guitar. Makes it probably one of the most complete SID remixes so far.

(Btw, according to HVSC 5.2 it covers The Inner Sanctum (loader) by Anthony Lees, not Ben Daglish.)