FTC - Cybernoid (Unknown Ambient Level Mix)

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Arranged by:
FTC Adept
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Charts position:
123. in the year 2004
3726. in all-time charts
I love the harmonics. Outstanding work by FTC.
Nice idea to put the original melody into a new harmonical context! But then again, I find it a little too experimental and aimless.
Review by Waz


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Nice ambient piece starts to kick in, reminding me a lot of those under the sea type TV documentaries that you see on television. All very nice, and all very nice sounding too, but you can't really recognise the cover parts of Cybernoid. The instruments that actualy make it sound like the C64 are so low down in the mix that you can't really hear them too well in parts. It's a very very loose cover indeed, probably too loose in places for it to be justified as a C64 mix in the first part. FTC must have realised it himself as about half way through there's a part that sounds much more C64-like that breaks up the ambience. However, overall I'm just not sure about this one. On the one hand, it's a different idea and I applaud him for that. On the other, I'm not sure whether it actually works best as a C64 mix or as a standalone piece of music in its own right.