Glyn R Brown - Firelord - Symphonic

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Glyn R Brown Veteran
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Charts position:
1. in the year 2002
71. in all-time charts
Vote distribution
Top Rankings

1 c64 charts 2002

1 c64 charts June 2002

ROTY 2002

1 Best c64 Remix

Still sets a standard
Fucking Awesome! Glyn Keep this up will ya ;)
You are my hero!!:)
Flawless and simply brilliant! Glyn should be making big bucks producing quality like this for the big budget movies.
This is my favourite song here on remix. Kwed. Org
What could I say? Give me more like this!
Amazing, sends shivers down my spine!
Would I be a woman I think I would be wet by hearing this remix ;)
Came to this AFTER Rastan. Should be 2nd in the all time chart - simple as that!
This is way cool... It reminds me of Lord of the Rings somehow
This is great!
I don't like the idea of simulating an orchestra with synth sounds.
A bit old sounded but great
Great emotional tune
Yeah my glyn favourite
Very impressive, and even more impressive considering it was made in Fruityloops...
Inspiration pure...!
One of my favorite, exelent
Not as good as "Rastan" but still a very good tune by Glyn
Awesome! Red one!
Love it!!!
Well, this is not the work of a hobby musician. This is professional. Extremely well performed and creative remix.
A great version of my favourite C64 tune! Thanks Glyn!
Id normally give this a "very good" since I rate it 3rd to gordian and rastan. But since its glyn, what the hell
Good cover.
Enjoyed this one.
Outstanding, such an epic improvement over the SID. One of the best remixes on RKO without a doubt.
Such a sweeping remix. I felt like I've been taken on an incredible adventure! Love it!!
How good is this!
Review by mahoney


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Glyn, you've made a great SID-song sound fantastic! You know how to avoid all pitfalls and trouble that samples orchestral sounds can give you, and I bow in respect. I just wonder how many sleepless nights and days you spent tameing that orchestra, Glyn! Great work! 😃
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This is one of the best (if not *the* best) symphonic covers I've ever downloaded from RKO! This is probably the closest one can get to that orchestral sound without actually hiring one to perform a tune. It also has a soundtrack feel to it, probably because of the fast moodswings that is typical of film scores. I don't know how much Glyn worked on this tune, but it was sure well worth it. The only enhancement I can think of for this tune is a better placement of the various sections of the virtual orchestra in the stereo space - everything seems to come from the middle, which is not realistic. But that is just splitting hair over this awesome work!
Review by Tas


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

How glyn managed to make this awesome rendition of firelord sound so good in fruityloops is beyond me! but the facts say it for themselves, this was created in fruityloops using only average quality samples. But the key thing here is glyn's ability for music just shines through!

The point is that i doubt glyn could ever do better than this in this current configuration. So what happens now, he goes and buy's himself a monster keyboard and the future of glyn is even brighter… The future's bright, the futures Brown 😊
Review by eliot


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

The orchestral attempt was a really good idea, but the samples do not reflect a real orchester, the most instruments sound too flat.
Review by infamous


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Firelord, a game that I didn't really enjoy very much, but it had a soundtrack which fitted in beautifully to the entire theme, alot of people hold that particular tune as one of the best on the c64, personally it isnt my favorite but it does come to my list.
so here is a remix from someone who does seem naturally gifted musically and does enjoy making some interesting soundscapes. so i download it.
i sit and listen and from the 1st chord i thought hmm someone else done this before in the same style, but wait… the 1st hard chord strike hits you and then you realise NO ONES done this this good here before… before you on your winamp, your mediaplayer, sonique whatever your using is a unique peice of remixing, its exactly what the original composer was thinking and its been done so beautifully.
Its hard very hard to believe it was done on fruityloops (a program i always thought was only really tailor made for techno music) but hats off to glyn for proving it to be a very special bit of kit, if you know what your doing.
It has everything going for it and i recommend anyone downloading this whether you enjoy dance, rock or whatever music you listen to, there is no way anyone cannot appreciate the time and effort that clearly went into this remix and it deserves to be #1 remix of all time… if it already hasnt been made so.

Top job glyn 😊.
Review by red_devil


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Oh my, how many hours did it take for this one? This tune is very good. As a matter of fact, it's so good that you could think that this was recorded with a live orcestra (just some bits are giving it away). It's sounds abit like the Settlers (amiga game) tunes.

If this was performed by a live orchestra you could easily think that it was made by Hans Zimmer for the Gladiator movie.
Review by Tomsk


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Gosh, I remember downloading this with a very negative attitude. Having enjoyed other mixes by Glyn I was sceptical about this one mainly because I hadn't heard the sid. After hearing it, I was not only astonished with this piece of music, but it also changed my attitude in regards to listening to sid tunes I'd never heard of before. Quite a dramatic effect to have on some one I remember thinking. The tune itself is quite simply the most beautifully crafted piece of Sid remixing on Remix 64 thus far. Initially you have no idea what's going to hit you - the first couple of notes or so, then… well, you know what happens. There's just so much professionalism to every element of this mix. Listen to the backing and pick out all those beautifull voices - wonderfully woven together. Startling.
The reason this review comes in so late is because I hadn't heard this mix for so long. My girlfriend was out at work, I had the volume pumped up and I fired it up. If you haven't heard it yet, please do yourself a favour and get it now.
Review by Hutch75


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Atmospheric. Transports you to a time long ago. Not just the eighties! Very professional and slick.
Review by Ryrynz


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

While the samples are outdated now the overall flow of this is perfect. Personally I feel that this tune should be regarded as a masterpiece, it really does need a proper orchestral version done live to do it justice!