Glyn R Brown - Rastan
Track info

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Glyn R Brown Veteran
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Charts position:
1. in the year 2004
27. in all-time charts
27. in all-time charts
Hi All !!
I want to Thank everyone for the Votes & kind Words .
Very much Appreciated !!!!
I'm real Glad you liked the tune :O)
People have been asking me about why i say it's not finnished .
I'll Explain :O)
The area from 03:49 to 04:08 has a kinda dead area with just a set of running strings .
At this point, i wanted to add another melody because to me it sounds pretty empty .
Also , to many instruments seem to be playing in the Left speaker , i wanted to pan it out better before i uploaded it to Kwed , I forgot !! hehe ..
There's also a few minor touches i wanted to add & clean up such as the lead instruments , but i never had the time :O(
But i'm gald you all liked it anyhowz !! :O)
Thanks …
I want to Thank everyone for the Votes & kind Words .
Very much Appreciated !!!!
I'm real Glad you liked the tune :O)
People have been asking me about why i say it's not finnished .
I'll Explain :O)
The area from 03:49 to 04:08 has a kinda dead area with just a set of running strings .
At this point, i wanted to add another melody because to me it sounds pretty empty .
Also , to many instruments seem to be playing in the Left speaker , i wanted to pan it out better before i uploaded it to Kwed , I forgot !! hehe ..
There's also a few minor touches i wanted to add & clean up such as the lead instruments , but i never had the time :O(
But i'm gald you all liked it anyhowz !! :O)
Thanks …

Vote distribution
Top Rankings
1 c64 charts 2004
1 c64 charts September 2004
ROTY 2004
1 Best c64 Remix
The maestro strikes again, and he's come a long way since "Firelord - Symphonic". Fantastic!
Glyn continues with his Midas touch. Fantastic production and arrangment, sheer class as always.
I seriously think Glyn should score the forthcoming Hobbit film he is that good! This reminds me of the Gladiator score especially with the vocals in there. I think we should send some of his stuff to Peter Jackson!
Glyn's the man! 'Nuff said!
Glyn says this is an unmastered/unfinished mix. I can't for the life of me hear anything wrong with it. Superb!
Damn this is very very good. Lots of symphonic stuff that reminds me of the recent King Arthur movie, sensible use of vocals (very a la Enya for some reason) and thoroughly enjoyable.
Fantastic work.. I am really impressed.. Once again a great work of Mr. Brown :)
THIS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! C64 FOREVER!!!
What a wonderful tune, great to see Glyn back.
Just amazing... This is a masterpiece to be remembered forever!!
Amazing remix again, Glyn. Those Zimmer'ish strings are quite awesome.
Oh, my gawd! *shits his pants*
Unmastered eh? Gotta say sounds great to me, and love the vocals.
Firelord and Rastan Transformed Into Tunes I Now like! Cliches LaLa? Maybe. But Glyn knows how to use them and when! Cos I certainly dont! :).. Is that mum singing dad?;)
I thought there would never be a better remix than Mahoney's Armageddon Man - I was wrong.
Superb, much variation of rythm, volume, vocals throughout the music, yet it is one
Wonderful work!
Well, this one can compete in radio TOP10
Very Epical... Outstanding, of course!
A real Golden Composer Glyn Is the best A GOD!
Its gettin hot in here.
Yet another masterpiece from Glyn. He is the new Jerry Goldsmith!
Wow what a tune!!!
Maybe the best synth orchestra remake I've heard. Think of this played by a real orchestra!
The way it should be done!
Wonderful made, nice voices!
Very Very Good Work!
Outstanding! Amazing masterpiece!!!
Classis meets Dance! And it really works. Great tune!
Taken remixes to a new level. This guy doe makes it hard for everybody else, I am sure! Just extraordinary full stop.
OMG... O_O
Fantastic. A highly polished piece of music. I agree with others here - this should be the score for a movie or something. What is that lady singing anyway!?
I think, I'll throw my "Conan 2 Sondtrack"- CD in a deep pit!
Best computer music remix ever imho, the sound quality is wonderful, the atmosphere is great, a superb production in all
Never heard that kind of sophisticacy... Keep it on!
One of the best orchestra-like sound ive heard on remix64 yet, but you can still hear the sound being a bit thin and the tune nah its very good done but not an personal favourite
Wouldn't look out of place in Lord of the Rings!
Never played the game, but this remix is fantastic
Anything but an Outstanding vote would be shameful. This is as good as it gets. We love you Glyn R Brown. Please make more music =)
One of my favs :)....
Not my style. And absolutely overrated, if you ask me.
Does it for me - the variation of instruments and voices just blends so so well. Stunning
Couldnt be better. If this is half finished, I would really like to hear the finished one :)
Reeks of quality, and in a good way!
Absolutely epic
Good standard if loosing it's way in the mid section. Not as good as Gordian tomb.
You are a master
This is the definition of the positive use for the word "sick". This is sick.
Sounds like a moviescore :) Absolut perfect.
Quite amazing!
Oh god
Just amazing....
I like it. ;o)
Arrangement is impeccable. But, that's it, only. I am sorry mr Brown... Sounds quite mundane....
Totally awesome. We should have more like this, then the world would be a better place.;)
Awesome, outstanding, absolutely brilliant, this is and will stay one of the best remixes ever, I'm cocksure.
I just love the fantasy style singing mixed with orchestra mixed with the modern synthesiser. It works well, and I'm pleased I regularly request this track on SLAY
Put it on slay radio
Superb music and voices
I hear it... But I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!
Fantastic tune!
Wow what a theme!!!! Great!!!
Really nice and epic tune
Absolutely fabulous! Sounds like a first class movie score. Great arrangements, very well done. Respect!
Hard to beat this one..
Is that woman speaking hebrew? I swear I hear her saying "moschiach"
Impressive. It is as good as it gets.
Hail to the king, baby! Hans Zimmer go home!
The best c64mix ever???
Awesome remix.
That's it: outstanding!
Damn! Every time I listen to this it gets better and better. I bow down to your greatness.
Brilliant tune!
Still stunning as h**l in every department. Edit (16.12. 2015): More stunning and has more feeling than Markus Schneider's flawless Enlightenment - Druid II.
Sorry, don't like Vocals in C64 Remixes
Another masterpiece from my personal "Master of c-64-remixes". Great Job, Glyn. Always like to hear your tracks. Classical.:-)
I used to play this in the arcades for the music, thank god it didnt sound this good or Id be totally penniless
Quite good!
Fantastic remix!
So dramatic. Like a movie score for a an expansive scene.
This tune has been in my playlist for almost 20 years now!
Review by LaLa
Artistic skill
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Review by shezzor
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Review by retrovertigo
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This is a deeply moving piece with an incredible grasp of emotion and athmosphere. The best remix i've ever heard without a shadow of a doubt!
Review by infamous
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
dissapears for over a year after gracing us with gordian tombs and firelord to do other things… like have a family.
comes back and then bitch slaps us all with this… just to remind everyone just who the boss really is… and what a reminder.
Beautiful flute begins the remix… slowly fading about with harps and strings to build a real celtic feel… then it really gets all irish on us with the clannad esque vocal work… very inspired and it may have come out of a box but it still sounds very believable… she fades away and…
WOMPTH!!… its like that scene in gladiator where he is being carted into rome to face the gladiator ring in the mighty colloseum… its every epic anchient sword and honour film you've ever seen mixed with a little bit of the club beats of today to keep it all in check… kinda like a knights tale but without that gurning ponce heath ledger to annoy you… this is the perfect film acompanyment music… the perfect lounge music… maybe its even the perfect song?… … no that'd be going to far.
thats not been done yet… and definetly aint been done here either but what you have got… is definetely the BEST remix at rko to date… and i challenge anyone to a horseback duel that contests it.
truly a class remix and true evidence that glyn is a talent going to waste as he languishes away in his neat house… he needs to be signed up… needs to be writing music for films etc… if there is any justice in this world before he dies he will leave a legacy far greater than the one he leaves here… theres a big world out there and glyn and his talent could conquer it… and again i dont think many would be inclined to disagree.
all hail glyn. and his half finished remix's
Review by Tomsk
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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I've really no idea how you keep faithfull to a 3 voice sid tune, and then turn it into such an extravagant orchestral masterpiece - but this is about as good an example as you're likely to find. Opening the tune is that perfectly suited vocal and then we get thrust into the main theme itself. From here you can clearly appreciate the time and effort gone into making this - it's just so professional and sounds spot on to the original (despite the fact that there's hundreds of other instruments giving it 'what for' in the background). For me, that's the magic. There's nothing left of any original backing - it's just been completely replaced with an authentic orchestral score… only the lead tune is recognisable. I don't know if that makes sense, but I know one thing… it sounds awesome.
Top marks to Mr. Brown - nice to have you back.
Review by mfe
Artistic skill
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I would love to hear this piece remastered with a more faithful choir sample. When everything else is so brilliant, it sticks out like a sore thumb, or like a mole would on the Mona Lisa.
Kudos all the way!
Review by Hakk
Artistic skill
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Review by nd4spd
Artistic skill
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