Glyn R Brown - The Recovery
Track info
Arranged by:
Glyn R Brown Veteran
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
4. in the year 2005
328. in all-time charts
328. in all-time charts
Vote distribution
Top Rankings
1 c64 charts September 2005
ROTY 2005
3 Best c64 Remix
Holy Christ! Yes!!! At first listen I thought "This will get a Very Good vote". Then came the choire, and it all just came together in pure perfection. Pant creamage galoure!
Glyn has been harking on about this tune for well over a year now and what a welcome return, fekin awesome I tell ya!
This is a bit good to say the least. Lovely use of guitar for the lead parts, which convey just the right amount of emotion. And plenty of gentle and neat touches to make it a beautiful emotional piece. Download it. Now.
I almost knew this would be outstanding before hearing it.. As usual another top quality (mike oldfield-esque) track from Glyn.
Such a sweet song... I love it!
Wonderful as always by Glyn. Mmm, "the Recovery" has been on my SID-playlist for 20 years now, which does not make things worse. Thanks Glyn!
Great work, glyn! ... As always a very good remix!
Oh, My, God. Congratulations!
Filled with sweet and mellow fruitfulness - sheer bliss
This is amazing. I love it.
Fine remake, well done!
Total change in style for glyn.. Gone are the orchestra's replaced with sultry synths and plonk noises and aint it just beautiful :)
Fantastic, thanks alot glyn!
Everything Glyn touches turns to gold. Another classic.
As usually I have to vote against the masses ;-) even with the choire, its only a orange one :-) maybe I don't like the balancing of the lead @ first third of the song...
Very nice arrangement and beautiful choir-sounds, so here goes the read smiler...
Outstanding GREAT! Welcome Back Glyn! Good to hear That he's still alive! Great Mix.^^
Indeed this remind to the old Enigma style. Very well done: the arrangment, the production, the choice of instruments. Bravo!
Sooooo smooth :-D
I met Glen again on Saturday night at B. I. T, we had a chat and I asked him when he is doing more remixes and he said he had just uploaded this track and well, pure beauty and those choire vocals are perfect!!! THIS GUY IS THE NO. 1 remixer without doubt
Unrivaled production! There's a bit of anything: Vangelis, Enigma, Baywatch title theme and "Forever young" by Alphaville. For my taste it's a little bit too corny though.
Simply stunning. Very atmospheric and relaxing.
This is so damn nice.
Turn out the lights, stick the headphones on, close your eyes and listen to the music. So relaxing. Superb stuff this is!!
This is very high quality and professional remix. LOVELY work!
........... Wow :O. I wish Glynn was my music-teacher!
This production is the closest thing to elevator music. Not my cup of tea ;-)
Awesome! That's all I can say. No, really!
Now I understanded "nothing ventured, . Nothing gained". Glyn ventured and boy! Did I gain!!!!! A little risky for the site and I love it!!!!
Way too sweet for my personal taste. Impressive arrangement, though!
Sooo beautiful! In places reminds me of enya and enigma...
Really. You won't get better than this for orchestra/chant music. A+
Easily one of the best remixes on the site: emotional stuff, well done.
This is muzak, the kind of thing you listen to at supermarkets while picking frozen food
Sounds like Walt Disney/Mike Oldfield style kind of world music, only worse! Technically probably good, but not my style, as always. Sorry, Mr. Brown!;-)
Awesome! Nice switch in style... I dedect a hint of "Go West" by the Pet Shop Boys, hehe... Smooth, light and fluffy tune...
Top 10!,, Wonderful tune. Don
Very chill oout moody tune... Perfectly done..
Sounds very Mike Oldfieldish, which is not a bad thing :o)
+1 to what LMan said. Anyway if I needed a C64 remix for some deeper more emotional /... Than I'm all the time :)... / movie score, it would be a perfect track.
Review by pricer
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Review by winc
Artistic skill
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Now Glyn takes his own take on the main theme of the original piece, and makes it certainly his own with this remake. Something that really shows in here is that Glyn probably has a big Mike Oldfield collection (or he better have if he hasn't!: P) because there is that MASSIVE feel to this piece you get when listening to the likes of Mike Oldfiend.
Overall there are few remakes that I really feel honored to have listened to, and that the author took the time to create. This would be now in that top ten of music that I will listen to almost every day!
Thank you for sharing your vision of this already lovely piece - you did it justice!
Review by gator
Artistic skill
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Review by Tomsk
Artistic skill
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I always like to give tunes a 'spin cycle' in the car (i. e. hear them quite a few times) before writing a review, and all of Glyns previous work has blown me away. However, despite the excellent qulaity of samples I still found this remix quite standard up until about 4:40 when there seems to be an injection that brings it to life.
The guitar at 1:37 for example is just so plain and boring. I could predict the notes before they were played. There's none of the 'instrument excitement' from previous mixes. It's nice to hear the mandarin sure, but it's not inspiring in the way Glyn normally introduces an instrument. I really do think the original has a lot to answer for, and I'm suprised Glyn saw anything in the SID
This was a hard review for me to write, and normally when I'm not fussed with a tune I don't bother, but I know Glyn pretty well and if he does read this I know he won't have a problem with this. Nice to see a new direction, but this particular tune is not for me.
Review by dasandman
Artistic skill
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