Hampshire Regional High School - Bubble Bobble (Live!)

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Charts position:
10. in the year 2000
597. in all-time charts
This is what it's all about!!!!! So appropriate this is at No64 as an all-time rank!!
Hampshire Regional - my kids will join soon ;)
Very funny, seems to be in carnival!!!
Kudos for the idea!
Wonderful idea
Kinda legendary on here this one.. Lol. NICE!
Review by bruce


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This is fantastic! I laughed my head off the first time I heard this. Imagine Bubble Bobble played live by a Salvation Army band and you're getting close. Not a great recording, nor great technically, but top marks for the arrangement, the originality and simply having the nerve to make this happen!
Review by Tas


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HA HA!!! welcome to the perhaps-a-doobie band. This is just magnificent and for one reason and one reason only, for being completely different and being completely original. Arranged by the Hampshire Regional High School, haha! i never did this in band practice!!! but then i never went to band practice😉

This tune actually escaped me first time around and if it wasn't for some wise words from some of the reviewers i would have missed this. Now thats what i call entertainment!
Review by andy_g


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This is a really cool cover =) Getting a whole band to cover it, it sounds really cool and well arranged. It actually suits quite nicely for a band style like that too.

Nice work indeed, truly a different approach to remixes!
Review by oddball


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Now that's some funny stuff!

LOL Actually the last minute sounds very close to the AMIGA version…
Review by wishbone


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

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Now this is damn funny. I wonder how it got made. Maybe the band conductor is a C64 fan. This is the kind of stuff that just doesn't happen, because getting that many ordinary people (not that we C64 fans are all complete freaks) to play C64 tunes is all but impossible.

One thing noone have mentioned is that this is not just a remix of Bubble Bobble, but also of New Zealand Story. I think this is important since it is the ONLY New Zealand Story remix at RKO, although hard to find since all its information relates to Bubble Bobble only.
Review by hillsman


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Brilliant! Absolutely love this! Wonder who's in the audience as they seem to be loving it too! Main theme accurately reproduced with lots of humour - then we have the invincibility music (which gets a big cheer) followed by the New Zealand story ingame music 😊 Great stuff and a lot of fun!!
Review by LaLa


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Overall rating

So, here I am, 22 years later in 2022, now with a daughter who is in a high school band in the United States. Therefore I have a newfound appreciation for this piece. Think about it: somebody went through the trouble of arranging this piece (even allowing for short solos here and there!), printing the score in umpteen copies for each of the band member kids, then probably went through several hours of practice with the kids - all just to have it performed to parents who probably know nothing about the origins of this piece of music. So - respect!According to an old MP3 download of mine, that somebody was a person with the name of Tim Winsky. I wish he continued adapting other C64 tunes for his high school band, too, but alas, this is the only one of his works we know of. Mr. Winsky, if you are out there - please, let us know how this all came about!Yes, the recording is not so good, but I think that's what gives this tune real character - it's very obviously played and recorded live. Considering it's a high school band, the kids are actually playing fairly well. Yeah, they are off here and there, but I think most high school bands could only wish they played this tight.Bravo, Mr. Winsky, bravo!I only wish Mr. Winsky made the score of his arrangement available to others, too, as I would surely ask my daughter's high school to add this to their repertoire, too…