Hazel - Spellbound (64 Knights And One Round Table)

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Hazel Veteran
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Charts position:
92. in the year 2006
2497. in all-time charts
When I thought of making a remix of this one it was with the idea of an orchestral breakbeat version in my mind.. But while playing around with the instruments I ended up with this more unzy-like version..

However my first idea with a orchestral version is not forgotten..

I started making this tune one midnight and 10.5 hours later.. it was finished… I must have been possessed…😉 And this will never happen again.. It's simply not possible.. Only with a great deal of luck with the choice of instruments (I actually didn't have to search long for the instruments.)

Anyway… Just listen.. pleeeeeeeeeeeaaase…😉
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In a word: gorgeous. Even when the mystical bit gives way to the more unzy part, it still works really well as it powers home the emotion in a lovely way. Nice one, Hazel!
The backing and the overall idea is to be applauded. I somehow feel the lead sounds are a little weak when contrasting it to the rest of the arrangement for me to give it the highest mark. I think the lead sounds needed to be a little thicker.
I love the sound, idea and effort! However, the original SID doesn't quite fit in there at times, and sounds forced. Still, very very well done, Mr. Hazel!
A breath of life in the old creature, beautiful soundscape and a good choice of instruments.. And anyway its hazel.. What did you expect, nowt crap comes from his way. Just the good stuff baby! :D
I don't know why this is getting such good reviews! I honestly don't.
Kudos Hazel. I always enjoy remixes of this one, and this one is quite well done.
It's damn good!
The instruments blend together very nicely for me, very good work Hazel.
Wonderfull overall feel.. You might blame the yellow on the many other great remixes of this tune..
Idea/not a 08/15 approach +1, does not always fit with the original tune -1, too much unz/instruments sometimes unbalanced -1 @gator: because your ears are damaged and you think to much in boxes :-)
Good but it sounds a bit muffled... Maybe too much reverb. The leadline is fantastic. (updated to orange, deserved)
Sounds good most times but everything feels like being behind a curtain or something.
Sure works!! Although it's *unz* *unz* *unz* again... Hmm....
Well done tune. Though the main tune kinda drowns, which pulls down a bit imho.
Very professional sound, but the whole thing is just a bit boring. No suprises...
Well done.
Oh no! Not another Spellbound version!!!
Nice.. Better then many
Quite boring
Not perfect, but the nostalgic feeling makes it outstanding... :D
Really wonderful remix.
SPLENDID and SUPERB instruments and tunes selection.
Great sounds, great arrangement, mix of trance and unz. A bit too repetitive, though.
I really like this version: I think the "traditionalist" in me has mellowed slightly in the last few years so I can appreciate this more left-field interpretation...

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