ifadeo - Delta Hiscore (Mann im Mond Mix)

Track info
Delta Hiscore (Mann im Mond Mix)
Arranged by:
ifadeo Specialist
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Charts position:
83. in the year 2003
2801. in all-time charts
Well, yet another 'Delta' ?? NOOO, it's a unique ifadeo version of the
'Delta Victory' tune… I hope you like it….😉
Delta Hiscore (Mann im Mond Mix)
Good Job! IMO captures the relaxed mood of the original quite well.
For me the BEST! Delta Hi-Score RMX!
Review by lagerfeldt


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

The title Mann im Mond is perhaps a reference to the space setting of Delta, otherwise it's lost on me since the remix iteself doesn't have any particular sound to it that otherwise explains the title. 😊 In fact this is hardly a remix in the truest sense, more a 1:1 remake of the original Rob Hubbard theme.

The technical impression is above average with nice panorama spacing, judicial use of reverb, and a soft but bouncy bass line sound. The drums are slightly annoying however, with a micro zap acting as closed hi hat dub, a somewhat phasing kick drum and a standard 606/808 type gated reverb snare drum. The major niggle however, is the lead sound which is a bit weedy sine tone which lacks some intensity and presence in the mix. Perhaps a choice of a more pronounced lead synth would have added a lot to the overall impression of this rendition in order to highten the initial impact.

Since this is a 1:1 cover version not much original stuff has been added to the song, no new themes or change of underlying chords - even the arrangement progression or arpeggiator synth haven't been tingled with. Merely sporadic use of some phasing and panning effects thrown in for good measure.

I feel a remix should always add something or change the perspective of the song in order to justify itself.

The overall impression is that of a technical adequate remake that doesn't add anything new to a classic tune. Not bad just lacking originality.