ifadeo - Slaine (Industriemädchen Mix)

Track info
Slaine (Industriemädchen Mix)
Arranged by:
ifadeo Specialist
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Charts position:
73. in the year 2003
2581. in all-time charts
well, it's a little tricky tune with many 'hidden' sound textures…
it's a unique ifadeo tune…

have fun…or not… but don't forget the feedback…😉

Slaine (Industriemädchen Mix)
The cunt is cool
Ifadeo is just a pure 80ties waver! True to his style and this remix sounds more "valuable" than others of him.
Technically good but a little boring!
Review by eliot


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

It seems ifadeo has a faible for David Whittaker 😃 As always it's not a one2one cover but I can live with that 😊 He did nice additions, balanced instruments, good stereo-panorama. During listening I got the feeling it has similarities to OMD. An interesting arrangment, but too much repeatations and an abrupt end 😒
Review by Tas


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This tune kinda sits between David Whittaker and Jarre, neither being one or the other. As with most tunes from ifadeo the composition is good, but let down by some weak instruments, tho the production is much better on this remix than many of his other attempts. Another problem as i see it is the distinct lack of variation and mood resulting in a nice but repetative remix.

Don't get me wrong i like the direction ifadeo is heading, but my advice would be slow down, take your time, release less and work more on the job in hand. make your vision a reality. Quality is better than quantity.
Review by immacolata


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Perhaps this tune has a lighter mood to it than I remember the game allowed for, and it was a strange but really good game, but ifadeo has a knack for finding excellent instrument replacements and manages to create faithful remix while keeping his particular style. I'd call it Radical-Orthodox remixing 😊 It makes for some nice relaxed listening no matter if you know the original or not.