Infamous - Cauldron II (claustrophobic edit)

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Infamous Veteran
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Charts position:
72. in the year 2003
2577. in all-time charts
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2 c64 charts August 2003

Wonderful drum programming here!
Not bad, but there are other Cauldron 2 versions on RKO that I like better. Plus, I had expected this one to be much scarier when it's called claustrophobic edit.
Review by Tas


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

In a very underground feel, almost akin to Prodigy a very unusual yet creative remix appears. In typical Infamous style the the breakbeat which for me he sometimes over does works well on this occaision. The main gripe i have is with the effect that sounds like a muffled recording of white noise which tends to make the listener cringe somewhat.

As these types of remixes go there's little to beat it but then there arn't many of these remixes out there. Good/bad thing i'll let you decide… Personally i quite like this remix.
Review by Tomsk


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I'll start off by saying I like this mix - quite alot actually. The build up of the tune and the way the drums develope is most enjoyable and professional. I also think this tune has a lot of originality going for it, and that even included the ripped 'Prodigy' sound. Infact the only thing that spoils this mix a bit is the harshness of the drums when they fully develope at 1:43. And again later in the mix. Just a bit too rough sounding and they tend to overshadow the tune when they play. However, judging by the title Infamous might have them just the way he wants them - so don't let my small gripe put you off what is essentially an extremely professional and enjoyable mix.