Instant Remedy - Commando

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Charts position:
13. in the year 2000
640. in all-time charts
Top Rankings

3 c64 charts June 2000

Great Job Instant Your my favorite 😉
I really don't know why this tune was rated so high?! It's almost sid+midi containing LOTS of wrong chords, no matter if it's intended or not.
Great ringtone 😊
Many wrong chords, but I don't think remixes should aound exactly the same as the original. I love this…
I love this tune!!! This is still the best commando remix!
Maybe it benefits from the original, but surely not vice versa!
One of the most powerful intros in remix64 history makes this tune a special event every time it is chosen by my player's shuffle mode. I also love the way the original SID sounds are altered to sound so full and crystal-clear.
Old school
This is just great! Its my favo atm 😉
I just love this one.
Epic Win Manuever!
Excellent commando goodness
This was a great SID tune to begin with. Now it's downright amazing! Oh, the nostalgia…
Wow, overrated. Take the original. SID, throw some uninspired techno drums and cheesy MIDI patches on top, and release.
Great nostalgia. Like most techno remixes, though, add big beat and presto. Sounds impressive though.
I don't care what anyone says, this is BRILLIANT!!
Only because belongs from IR it doesn't deserve to be rated so high
Hot stuff!
Still one of the best Commando remixes ever made… A fresh 2019 version would be very nice thanks!
Instant red.
Review by Mayhem


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I'm gonna disagree with Chris here… I LIKE the minor chord at the start! But that's the musical tastes now? This has a special place for me as this is the first SID remix I actually listened to way back then. And it still holds up well today, inaccuracies or no inaccuracies.
Review by gbl


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Outstanding! This is how a remake should be. The original Sid with a new beat. This tune keeps the original Commando feeling alive.
I would like Instant Remedy do Jeroen Tel's Ikari Union like this…
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

[i]Review in 2023.[/i]As many have pointed it out over the decades, this remix makes heavy use of the original SID as-is, Still, I think that's what makes it so powerful: the strong sense of nostalgia that those sounds and musical phrases evoke. The first time I ever heard this remix was at one of the early BIT Live events in a club setting - and in that environment, it was an absolute blast to listen to. I could also knock it for what this remix isn't, but instead, I choose to enjoy it for what it is: a highly danceable version of a classic and legendary Rob Hubbard SID tune (which, let's not forget, is a remix itself).