Instant Remedy - Last Ninja (extended)

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Charts position:
6. in the year 2000
430. in all-time charts
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One of the best TLN rebuilds
I love this song. It makes me think of the old great times when I played Last Ninja. I just love it.
Defenitely the best Ninja-Remix I´ve ever heard... Just marvellous...
Mythoslogos is right, the extended version (this version) is even better than the Club Mix on the album.
Classic remix, one of the best
By far the best ninja remix. I love the pumping vibe with the sidy tune working nicely. Great work!!!
This is a good tune. Excellent mixing.. What better way to explain this than "I bought the album"??
Like it but needs a spark and magic to be better
Nailed it! It's so good!
Snorski I also thought to myself one of the best LN remixes. Literally screams out C64 awesomeness.
Works very well.
Review by Mayhem


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This is still my favourite remix of all time. Even though it may be over 3 years old and plenty more tracks have better sounds, better tempo, better style. It still rocks. The restyled version on his album just backs up this original version still better.
Review by xgener8or


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

As a dance-techno track this is golden. But as a nostalgic trip to ancient Japan, it is not. Great beat but if you close your eyes and listen to it, you can't really imagine walking through the lush gardens of Shogun Kunitoki, but instead, dancing in a modern club 😊 It's a great track in itself. Good points in all aspects except nostalgic impression.
Review by Ryrynz


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

If this was done by anyone else I don't think it would work quite as well as it does. Rating it badly because you don't like club style mixes is bad form, one of the best remixes from 2000.