Instant Remedy - Ocean Loader V2
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Charts position:
4. in the year 2000
376. in all-time charts
376. in all-time charts
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3 c64 charts July 2000
Sounds like the original but with that (Very good) added twist.
The very best Ocean Loader 2 remix at the time being! Great work!
I've listened to it many times, and it still gives me the chills… Great tune…
Very very nice and calm tune. Excelent.
Ou I love this! A time travel back to my press play on tape times! G r e a t remix!
Oh My God! It takes courage to do a remix of a tune that, well, y'know… Just get's you back there and remixes your emotions. Excellent!
Definitely the best remix of OC2 presently available.
Very nice, thanks
Almost as good as o2's version! Goosebumps all over! Added to my collection.
Classic of a remix.
FAN-BLOODY-TASTIC! A+++++++++++++++++++++++++
Really well done, brings back memories.
It brings all the gorgoues nostalgia
Definitely the best remix of the year 2000 on RKO, how can anyone give this an unhappy face?
Review by deguoren
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
… conservative synth-sound refreshed with percussion samples…
… more, please, more…
… by the way - it reminds me of the Dragon´s Demo-Reset-Part for the good old AMIGA 500…
… thanx to Instant Remedy…
Review by tchbrutal
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
One very cool tune.
I am affraid I have some songs mixed up, but this one rules!
It reminds me of musics created by Reyn Ouwehand when he used to call himself Mac Magics!
This sure is one to my liking!! 😊
Review by Ryrynz
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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