J Lof - Sanx(ion) from the moment we kissed

Track info
Arranged by:
J Lof Remixer
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Charts position:
148. in the year 2003
3724. in all-time charts
Review by Makke


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I liked the first version of this remix when I first heard it, and I still like it though there are far better remixes of Sanxion around. This version is in my ears nothing more than the old remix with some loops on top of it, which I personally don't feel add anything of relevance to the song. The production quality is not exactly top drawer, and I don't particularly like it at all.

It was probably more fun to make than it is to listen to. At least IMHO.
Review by craigg


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

It's about time someone other than Chris Abbott (and perhaps Phil Bak) supplied us with a decent Sanxion remix, and preferably something a little different from the original. This dance-em-up attempts to take the track into 'clubland', and to some extent, it succeeds. Despite the loops sounding all-too-familiar, the beginning of the track is catchy and builds well. However, J Lof comes a cropper by screwing up a couple of later sections of the track. While I'm all for remixes that aren't direct covers, it still helps if you get the melody right. Also, the vocal samples rapidly become downright irritating.

So, once again, we're left with a painfully average version of Hubbard's greatest. Oh well, back to Back in Time
Review by Tas


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

There's alot of bad sanxion remixes about, and very few good ones. This version is one of those well, bad ones.

It's noisy and over powering and adds far too much when simplicity would have been more the order of the day.

Not to say it's really bad, it's just so boombastic and annoyingly overcrowded with effects and instruments.
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

High-paced, energetic remix with a fairly unimaginative drum line. For some reason at times it reminds me of the soundtrack of The Matrix movie. I think with a better constructed rhythm section this remix would be a real winner, but in its current form it leaves me a bit cold.