J Rooney - Zorro (Small Ensemble)

Track info
Arranged by:
J Rooney Remixer
Member profile:
Original SID:
Original composed by:
Charts position:
180. in the year 2003
4097. in all-time charts
This one really made me smile. The Spanish guitar / MIDI style mixture is something I've never ever heard before. Technically maybe just yellow, but orange for innovation! Added to my collection.
Great remix, and great instruments. A bit more reverb and volume to the sound picture, and that'd be Very Good or Outstanding from me!
Review by jemym


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Now, I cannot claim that I ever liked the original, but Rooney have something going here. If he didnt, I wouldnt bother about writing this.

This tune is a flamenco song, so Rooney have given everything a remix can offer when it comes to flamenco. We have the tamburine, the spanish guitar, the castanet, the clapping hands, all wrapped into the old Zorro theme. We have the instruments used correctly, which is fitting for a tune like this.

So where does Rooney's attempt fall?

A class of newbie musicians often play music perfectly, every tone right, but they do it very sterile, without emotion. And thats what this piece sounds like. Its perfect, with every tone right, but even if its perfect, it lacks the personality and karma that real flamenco is about.

Real musicians does not play every tune perfectly timed according to the notes. They add their own personality, feel and emotions to the song.

Imagine yourself a dancefloor with colorful spanish dancers with wonderful dresses, and a charisma that could drop anyone of the opposite gender miles away. Imagine yourself musicians with the karma only spanish musicians have. Imagine sweat and closed eyes. Imagine musicians that live for their music, and plays like it was a part of their own soul.

To hit the spot, this song needs less perfectness and more powerful karma.
Spend awhile listening on tunes like El Mariachi and Pippo Noviello… and then get back there and try again.

Best Regards