JB - Sonic Soul
Track info
Arranged by:
JB Adept
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
21. in the year 2007
486. in all-time charts
486. in all-time charts
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2 c64 charts February 2007
Very nice rendition of the Jeroen Tel piece, taking it in completely a different direction with lovely strings augmenting the more laid back feel. And as for the saxophone, that's just gorgeous!
Jereon Breebaart back in form with this incredible remix - cannot fault this one! Saxy!
Enjoyed this one - Some great instrument choices and quality production.
Mr. Breebaart is such a multitalented person, all I can do is take my hat off, bow my head and utter the words "We're not worthy!"
Shit hot production and just a simply amazing mix!
Very clean :) In parts it's like a bizarre cross between Enigma and Robert Miles. Nice sax - overall pretty awesome!
I enjoyed the ambient first part the most, but still high quality work! Jeroen is a serious player!
What can you say to a piece like this?
Production:A++ Music: Sorry for not giving a red one but the feel of it is a bit too ineffectual for my taste.
Nice sound experiment. I've never heard this style before, let's call it... Lounge Trance. Very artistic! My compliments!
Outstanding production... But I really miss more aspects from the original sid... There could just aswell have been used another sid... Too few aspects from the original... Still I give a red face ;)
Sounds beautiful, not much else that can be said about it from my corner.
Fantastic trance like atmosphere... *hands a red face with a smile*
A tale of two tunes. This might grow on me later, but for now, I hafta say, the middle part is too commercial for my taste, especially with that overused dancy lead. The rest is very jazzy, very good, the saxophone is simply perfect.
I frickin' love this! Beautifully mellow stuff. Had to listen again as soon as it finished. Right up my alley this one, well done JB. MORE MORE MORE!!!
Can some place _this_ sax into the markus holler tune a few down here, please? ;-) Really great and expected 'breebaart-style. Finally back on the scene! Keep on remixing, pal!
Man, I _love_ this track but the trance part disrupts the awesome mellow ambience feel in which I dwell from the begining. Everything else is fantastically put. Hmm I'm really torn between the red and orange, but for now it's very good...
It's amazing to hear what can be done from SID. Still, at some point snare is repeating too much, and some transitions could have been done better. Too bad it has 4x4 ellements, that ruin an excellent remix.
I truely love the start and ambient sections of this track - and that sax fits in so well.
Almost grabs me, but something about it remains elusive.
Mix Jeroen Breebaart with Paul Dulfer, you won't get a love child like Candy Dulfer. Instead you get saxophone sex! The trance part disrupts the mellow feeling a bit. Very good instead of outstanding because it might have been two separate tunes.
Original stuff. Thanks.
Loungy stuff in the beginning is excellent!! The upbeat stuff that follows don't get me at all though. Nice work none the less!
The upbeat stuff ruined it for me... The slower parts are excellent.
Yes the upbeat can take the edge off it - but there is no better production off a tune in the last few weeks - it has to be a very very very big hit
Great remix and fantastic use of sounds!!
I was thinking about something between orange and red, but it goes red for production! It's awesome!
Super tasty.
Excellent track!
Super Awesome!
Nice one
The dance midpart is kinda passable for me - but max score for the sax!!! The intro-outro is superb.
Done well.
Review by LMan
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
Then, it suddenly morphs into a (rather ordinary) dance tune, and after a while back again. Flawless, professional production.