jgb - Delta (borst remix)
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jgb Remixer
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Charts position:
96. in the year 2004
3043. in all-time charts
3043. in all-time charts
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Lovely Kraftwerk-esque analogue sounds in here. COOL. :)
Nice sounds in an original mix
Welcome to the community. Nice attempt, but would have been nice, when an other lead has been choosen.
I really enjoyed this one!
Nice add N to X electro-pop remix
Sorry I dont see what all the fuss is about, this is bog standard dance stuff and the lead is awful... Might have sounded good live but this ISNT live so alot more work could have been put into it but as it stands its staid/play by numbers dance music.
Awful lead sound, and the bass line runs its own show which doesn't match well sometimes.
Loved it when I heard it live when on the SLAY Radio allstar show, and the final version is even better!
Has interesting edges. Far from being perfect but added a new vector on Delta
I dislike the chosen lead instrument
The style is too knee-jerk, the distorted lead gets on my nerves. Wrong notes in the melody, e. G. At 1:49, ouch!
Review by franky
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating