JLD - 200 toppisar (Dra en folkis med Dynamit Harry mix)

Track info
200 toppisar (Dra en folkis med Dynamit Harry mix)
Arranged by:
JLD Adept
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Charts position:
99. in the year 2021
1495. in all-time charts

On April 15 2021, has it been one year since I released my first remix on RKO. It has been a journey of learning how to mix the sound. To get it sound good and professional.
When I now listen to my first remixes I notice that I could have done alot different but I also think it is great to see you're own progression in learning. (Hopefully it´s geting better)

Speaking of learning. This new remix is my second one made with Cubase (First one is a secret for now). Coming from Reason it was some challange to find everything.
Cubase is great I think and it is easy to learn the basics. Youtube has some great videos (Thanks Slaygon for the tip)

When I search for something to remix I tend to always look for tunes that no one has ever laid it hands on. Mr. Death catalouge was a plesaure listening through. Alot of great stuff!
I will definitely remix some other stuff from him!

I also upgraded my so called Studio under this year! The Yamaha HS8 monitors are awesome!



200 toppisar (Dra en folkis med Dynamit Harry mix)
Good sounds, like the production value. Also love the monitor ;-)
Sound quality is awesome. Well done. I love the melody line. It's full of interesting variations. Well done. Close to a red one (already because of the Licence To Ill poster) ;-)
Great job!
Love the middle part! If the entire track had been in that style I would have given a red! :D

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