JLD - SEC-T 2023 (feat. Oscar Danielsson)

Track info
SEC-T 2023 (feat. Oscar Danielsson)
Arranged by:
JLD Adept
Member profile:
Original SID:
Original composed by:
Charts position:
66. in the year 2023
619. in all-time charts

Hey there! Another Wiklund remix is here!


I was watching the Wiklund liveset stream from Edison Party and was blown away by how many great tunes that guy has made. I decided to look for something to remix.


I went through his catalog when I remembered that I had started remixing SEC-T 2013. So I searched for it in my work folder and found it. I had only created the intro and piano part.


I was almost finished with the remix. I only had the middle part left to do. I had an idea of adding a synth solo or something similar.


Then one day, my nephew Oscar came over to use my gear and record some guitars for a tune that he had composed for his punk band, MFK Min Flikvän Ken. He usually plays the drums in the band, but he's also very skilled at playing the guitar.


When he had finished, I asked if he was interested in trying out some guitar parts on my remix. Of course, he agreed! So he started jamming, and I recorded it. After 10 takes, he was done, and I had some amazing guitars in my mix. Thank you, Oscar!


Cheers! 🎶🤘


Min Flickvän Ken

Min Flickvän Ken - Spotify


Cover by Jukka Nieminen (Grandio Design)

SEC-T 2023 (feat. Oscar Danielsson)
Everything about this song is just my cup of tea - the energy, the melodies, the pulsing, and the guitar also elevates it to a whole new level. I got addicted!
The guitars are a nice addition although the lead isn’t my kind of thing. It’s a well put together remix though, good work!
Awesome remix and the guitar solo is excellent!

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