Johan Andersson - Terra Cresta (slow rock mix)
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Johan Andersson Veteran
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61. in the year 2014
2419. in all-time charts
2419. in all-time charts
I borrowed a well-known guitar riff from Depeche Mode and came up with this version of the Terra Cresta title theme.
The tremolo guitar makes the sound crackle (just a little bit) on a few occasions, but hopefully it´s barely noticeable.
For a version with almost none of those issues visit my soundcloud page at:
Anyway, hope you enjoy it!
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Get rid of that awful piano ostinato, replace it with the original SID sound, leave the rest as it is, and you'll have a red-face.
A touch too much delay/reverb on the guitars makes it kind of 'muddy' and the drums feel kind of "forced" into it.
Great hard rock muddy feeling! Great acoustic guitar shuffled rhythm! Well done!
This is pretty good! The piano riff sounds out-of-place, but the rest is very enjoyable.
Really love Terra Cresta and love Depeche Mode, but this does not match together!
Very good Remix!
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